Dedicated Skier Hikes To Reach Chute With Funky Snow

It's that time of the season in the Northern Hemisphere when, if you want to ski, you gotta earn it. Lift-accessed skiing is off the table, aside from a small handful of resorts.

And that's exactly what the skier in this video did. Watch as they schlep themselves up the side of Utah's Mt. Superior to score some less-than-ideal late-season turns.

The Mt. Superior route in this video is known by most as Su*cide Chute, although it previously had a different name: Shane's Chute.

The titular Shane's Chute was named after legendary Alta local Jim Shane, who was instrumental in constructing the Goldminer's Daughter Lodge in Alta's base area. Shane originally skied Su*cide Chute while using leather boots and wooden skis.

While conditions in this clip look like prime spring skiing, its uploader, Odyssey, indicated that the snow was actually less than ideal.

"Snow conditions are a bit shotty with sun cupping and dust mixed into the top layer of snow, which creates friction when you ski over it. This will create a jerking motion that's not enjoyable to ski on, but non the less can be skied."

If you want to ski this late in the season, you gotta work with what Mother Nature's provided. Powder turns are, unfortunately, a foregone conclusion until next winter kicks off.

Odyssey probably summed up the late-season state of affairs best in the caption to his video: "All that said, skiing is still better than no skiing, and nows your time to go try those difficult lines you've been looking at all year."

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