How to Decode Skin Conditions, Rashes, and Bumps On Your Vagina

How to Decode Skin Conditions, Rashes, and Bumps On Your Vagina. Here's a rundown on some common skin conditions you might see in your genital area and what to do about them. Folliculitis can appear as pink or red bumps in your pubic area due to inflamed hair follicles. Treat it with antibacterial cleanser and by avoiding sweaty clothes. A skin tag is a soft, painless, skin-colored flap that hangs from the skin. It's benign, but you can ask your doctor about removing it. . Simple irritation tends to be red, inflamed, and sometimes a little dry, and it's usually caused by an allergic reaction to something. So, find the irritant and get rid of it. An ingrown hair appears as a red bump, sometimes with the hair embedded in it. You can use tweezers and a warm compress to free the hair. A cyst appears as a single, large bump. It's benign, so as long as it isn't infected or painful, you can leave it alone. Genital warts are pink or flesh-colored bumps caused by low-risk types of HPV. They may go away on their own, but a doctor can also remove them. Herpes starts off as several small blisters that turn into little ulcers. There's no cure, but your doctor can prescribe an antiviral to shorten and reduce symptoms