Decluttering Expert Marie Kondo is Getting Her Own Netflix Show

With the huge success of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, author Marie Kondo has practically become a household name. Marie is a Japanese cleaning consultant who has gained a cult following for her decluttering and organizing tips. Seriously—her client wait list got so long that she now has over 200 consultants worldwide that are trained in her signature KonMari Method for cleaning.

TIDYING UP WITH MARIE KONDO Image courtesy of Netflix

So we weren’t too surprised to see Netflix expand on Marie’s success. The popular streaming service released an exclusive clip from Marie’s new Netflix show, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, which you can watch below. In this clip, Marie reveals a before and after of a linen closet.

The show will follow Marie as she teaches different homeowners her secrets of organizing. The eight-episode series will feature heartwarming stories and stunning reveals. Think of it like Queer Eye but with decluttering and organization makeovers.

Part of Marie’s method involves getting rid of items you’ve held onto for years. She invites her clients to ask what brings them joy, and if a dress or a photo does not do that, she suggests donating it or throwing it away. This method is highly effective but can draw up some difficult decisions for pack rats and nostalgia lovers.

Some of the clients featured on the show have emotional baggage as well as physical clutter in their home. One recently widowed woman needs Marie’s help to let go of her late husband’s things. Another young family struggles to find space to make room for future children. The trailer also features the journey of a family who seriously downsized to make a new life in a Los Angeles apartment.

If you loved The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up as much as the rest of the world did, this show is your next dose of the KonMari Method—and this time you get to see behind the scenes how Marie works with clients to get it done. Tidying Up With Marie Kondo premieres worldwide on Netflix January 1, 2019—just in time to kick off your new year with expert organization habits.