Deciem Will Close on Black Friday — But Don't Worry, There's Still a Sale

For some of us, the day after Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season, with sales on beauty products and big trips to your favorite stores. But for retail workers, Black Friday often means longer hours and higher stress levels. Deciem, the skin-care company behind The Ordinary, has chosen to opt out of all that chaos.

On November 1, the brand announced that it will no longer participate in the traditional Black Friday experience. Instead, on Friday, November 29, Deciem will close all store locations worldwide and black out its website. As per a brand statement, "We no longer feel comfortable being involved in a single day so heavily focused around hyper-consumerism."

The statement goes on to give some data about Deciem's experiences with past Black Fridays and the stress the day has caused for both workers and customers. "In previous years we have disappointed our audience by not being able to meet the demand for Black Friday promotions. In 2017 Black Friday crashed our servers three times and it took us 80 (versus the plan of 15 days) to fulfill all orders. In 2018 many promotional SKUs sold out in the first three hours of going live."

The brand isn't giving in to traditional Black Friday pressures but it still wants a piece of that sweet, sweet holiday shopping pie. Starting today through the end of November, every Deciem product is for sale at 23% off. (There's no special reason why the sale is 23% and not a more typical number like 20 or 25, by the way — we checked.)

The sale's stated goal is to encourage people to "shop slow." Instead of snapping something up just because it's on holiday sale, the longer sale time theoretically lets customers consider their purchases. It's an attitude we could probably all use this holiday season, especially when those "24 hours left!" sales start to kick in. Whether or not you're one of The Ordinary's diehard devotees, we hope the move reminds us all to be a little more considerate of what our shopping habits mean for ourselves and others.

More on holiday shopping:

Now, watch Halima Aden shop for her favorite beauty products:

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Originally Appeared on Allure