What December's Libra Horoscope Predictions Mean for You

Read what your sign's 2019 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Libra personality profile.

Welcome to December, Libra. Last month left you facing hard truths. Some people may have overstayed their welcome in your life, and it's time for them to go. A major cosmic shift takes place on Monday, December 2. Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters career-oriented Capricorn, where it will stay for the next year. Basically, this transit calls us out. Any areas of our life in which we are half-assing will crumble. Hard work will be required to build ourselves back up again. This doesn't mean that we must all give in to a staunch capitalist mindset, but it does mean no more coasting. Cut out distractions and save your energy for what excites you.

On Monday, December 9, messenger Mercury enters intellectual and intense Sagittarius. You're known for your flirty energy, even if it's typically harmless. In fact, your sneaky charm is almost always low key. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is loud and proud. During this transit, your lovers and friends may be extra blunt, which shakes things up for you. Let go of any games you may be playing and try to express yourself — and your needs — clearly.

Soon, you'll better understand your desires and will be able to tease them out.

The theme of saying what you need continues under the full moon in chatty Gemini on Wednesday, December 11. Full moons prompt always prompt manifestation and change. This one, in particular, brings romantic realizations. You better understand your desires and are able to tease them out. Perhaps you have been feeling guilty about your wandering eye — but why are you looking in a different direction in the first place? Do you feel neglected? Explore your feelings and let the moon help you express them clearly.

Your ruling planet, Venus, enters eccentric Aquarius on Thursday, December 19, inspiring you to be unconventional in your approach to love. Take your beau to a museum, a drawing class, or out dancing. Shake things up and make memories with a shared adventure. Capricorn season begins on Saturday, December 21, turning your attention to work. Continue to have fun with lovers and make things right in your personal life to reduce distractions. When your love life is in order it's easier to focus on making money.

Then, allow yourself to rest toward the end of December. Wednesday, December 25 brings a new moon and solar eclipse in hardworking Capricorn. However, solar eclipses can kick your ass. Avoid drama and stay inside with friends or family so you begin the New Year kicking. Just like it's easier to focus on work when your love life is in order, the same is true for your emotional and physical health. Pamper your skin with a luxurious Mamonde Pomegranate Flower Lab Essence Sheet Mask.

<h1 class="title">DECEMBER Libra - Mamonde Pomegranate Flower Lab Essence Sheet Mask</h1><cite class="credit">Courtesy of brand / Allure: Rosemary Donahue</cite>

DECEMBER Libra - Mamonde Pomegranate Flower Lab Essence Sheet Mask

Courtesy of brand / Allure: Rosemary Donahue

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Originally Appeared on Allure