December’s New Moon In Capricorn Is Bringing Good Vibes Only For The End Of The Year

Photo credit: da-kuk - Getty Images
Photo credit: da-kuk - Getty Images

From Women's Health

  • On December 26th, the new moon in Capricorn is happening.

  • This new moon is all about being kind and generous to others by giving back.

  • The new moon in Cap will affect all zodiac signs, but Capricorn and Cancer will feel it the most.

The holidays are all about being kind and generous to those around you, and it’s definitely a vibe that’s holly jolly for humanity. But this year, the universe is doubling down on all those warm, fuzzy feelings with a new moon in Capricorn.

It’s all happening on December 26, and it’s going to draw out your holiday spirit a liiittle bit longer, says Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. Of course, it’s a little more complicated than that. Here’s what your sign can expect:

What does the new moon in Capricorn mean for your zodiac sign?

Backing up a sec: A new moon happens when the earth lines up with the sun, making the moon all but invisible from Earth. There are 12 new moons a year, and each is linked with a different astrological sign.

This particular new moon is vibrating with Jupiter, basically turning you into a cooler version of Santa Claus, Page says. Jupiter likes to do things up right, so you’ll find yourself going big on late holiday gifts (those post-Christmas discounts can be pretty deep...) for other people and, ya know, yourself.

The new moon in Capricorn is also going to fill you up with some serious optimism. "There’s a huge feeling of expanding possibilities and hope, and a sense that you can accomplish your dreams," Page says. So, maybe 2019 wasn’t your year, but 2020 can will be.

While musing on that kickass future, you’re going to want to spend some solid time with your best buds. You might even start up your own Friendsmas tradition to help celebrate the people who make up your chosen family. (Come to think of it, December 26 seems like a pretty perfect day to start such an awesome tradition, right?)

To top off the cherry on that new moon sundae is a huge humanitarian vibe. You’ll take a beat to think about how you can make the world a better place—and then actually do something about it. Whether that means volunteering at your local soup kitchen, fostering a shelter dog, or carrying your elderly neighbor's groceries for her, you'll be all about lending a helping hand.

The new moon in Capricorn will affect every zodiac sign, but Capricorn and Cancer will feel it the most, Page says.

Here's what your sign says about what you like in the bedroom:

How will the new moon in Capricorn impact the rest of your year?

Since the New Moon is sending all kinds of do-gooder energy your way, you have two options: You can roll your eyes at it and keep doing your own thing, or you can take a sec to actually think about what positive changes you can bring about.

Take option A, and life will continue on pretty much as usual. Go for option B and—not to be totally sappy, but—you’ll feel really, really good about where you’re headed in life, and what you’re contributing to the world. Tbh, neither choice is wrong, but one def gives you the chance to do a lil' self-improvement—just in time for your 2020 New Year's resolutions.

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is happening on January 24, 2020 in the sign of Aquarius. When it goes down, you might be dealing with some complicated emotions but, don’t stress, it’s not necessarily a bad thing (maybe a slightly weird thing, because Aquarians, but not "bad").

Until then, soak up the sweet vibes of the new moon in Capricorn—and pay it forward.

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