Your December Monthly Horoscope Is Here

Your December Monthly Horoscope Is Here

We still have a month to go before 2019 draws to a close, but the tone for 2020 will be set just as December begins. On December 2, Jupiter will begin a year-long stay in Capricorn, a sign that doesn’t exactly gel with Jupiter’s expansive, optimistic sensibilities. Rather than dreaming big and chasing our passions, we’ll be asked to buckle down, work hard, and think seriously about what we believe success ought to look like, on a microscopic and macroscopic level. Be very wary of shortcuts or deals that sound too good to be true — trust your ability to get ahead on your own skills and resist superficial appeals to your ego.

Later this month, we’ll be subject to an annular solar eclipse on the same day as the new moon in Capricorn. Unlike a total solar eclipse, an annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks out most of the sun but leaves a fine ring of it visible. But, like other varieties of eclipses, this event will signal the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. Great changes are on the horizon, which may be well-timed with the end of the year. Only time (and the skies) will tell.

The Land of La
The Land of La

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

It’s rare to see a tired Aries, but you’re in need of a well-earned break, Ram, and this is the month to take it. Even if you plan to travel for the holidays, try to enjoy some downtime close to home this month.

Heed the message of the full moon in Gemini on the 12th and address the more mundane tasks you may have let slip through the cracks these past few weeks. There’s more than likely a neglected house plant or unrenewed subscription that needs your attention. Though you may strive to take care of business, you could encounter some unexpected mental fog starting on the 9th. Sadly, there’s no retrograde to blame if you struggle to focus or stay on time this month — sometimes, as hard as we try to stay grounded, our minds have other plans. Practice mindfulness when your thoughts start to wander and, as hard as it may be for your headstrong sign, show yourself some patience.

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The Land of La
The Land of La

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

This month’s celestial events will appeal to your most basic Taurean desires, dear Bull. For one thing, the full moon on the 12th will be your opportunity to redefine your boundaries around money and resources. For another, you’ll experience a rosy glow-up at work later this month, one that might see you glad-handing with your superiors or even striking up an office flirtation. The air is thick with a sense of the security you so often crave, Taurus, but it’s up to you to sustain that feeling beyond a passing moment.

In other words, the financial limits you set during the full moon should be made with long-term saving or investment in mind. Don’t ruminate on that one time your friend took a month to pay you back when they said it’d only take a week. Don’t squander any good favor you fall into at work — and be careful who winds up being the object of your flirtation. It’s any Taurus’ dream to have control over their earnings and the possibility of a whirlwind romance, but don’t get so stuck in the moment that you miss how this current good luck might serve you in the future. Now that Jupiter is in ambitious Capricorn, every pleasure must count toward something bigger.

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The Land of La
The Land of La

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

You can’t please everyone, Gem, but that’s not going to stop you from trying this month. You’ll be drawn to social scenes, shun alone time, and strive to lend your ear to anyone who asks, even if it means hearing both sides of an argument at great length — and winding up unsure which side you should take. It’ll be easy to lose your sense of self amid all this social activity, but the full moon on the 12th will occur in your sign and light your way back to your own point of view. Use this moment of clarity to speak your mind, but don’t air anyone else’s dirt in the process.

You may have a revelation around someone you’ve grown closer to recently when the new moon arrives on the 26th. It’s possible that you’ll realize that your relationship is closer than you originally thought, or that it has the potential to be extremely significant in the long run. How you feel about the direction this partnership has the potential to take could surprise you, but trust your initial reaction to your reflections. It will inform your next step.

The Land of La
The Land of La

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Take care of yourself this month, Cancer — and we don’t just mean with your weekly bubble bath. We’re talking about taking care of your to-do list, your end-of-year plans, and your physical well-being. Take an analytical eye to how you’ve been structuring your everyday life and ask yourself how you can make it more efficient. This might boil down to something as simple as shifting your bedtime routine up by an hour, but don’t forget that Jupiter is now in Capricorn. It’s going to reward any efforts made to secure your longevity and, ideally, prosperity.

When the sun moves into Capricorn, your opposite sign, on the 21st, you’ll have a hard time focusing on yourself. Finding your better half will simply prove too distracting. Whether you’re single or coupled, you’ll want to spend your time with someone who just “gets” you, if not perfectly balances out your quirks with a set of their own. Pencil in a winter staycation with your S.O. or plan a post-holiday decompression spa date with your best friend — anything that allows you to log some alone time with your favorite person will nourish you.

The Land of La
The Land of La

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

You may be a summer child, Leo, but this chilly time of year will see you positively glowing. While the sun, your ruling planet, is still in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, you’ll feel energized, insightful, and especially open to the attention of others. Shaking off any wintertime doldrums will come easily as long as you have a creative outlet through which your talents can shine. That glow we mentioned earlier will take on a much more literal meaning when the sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st and asks you make sure your health is in shipshape — that New Year’s resolution about drinking more water is calling your name,

Time for serious romance will come in the latter half of the month. Despite the attention you garnered in early December, resist the urge to play the field. As 2019 draws to a close, ask yourself who you want to start 2020 with, Leo.

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The Land of La
The Land of La

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Ready to shine, Virgo? The full moon on the 12th will light up your career sector and draw your officemates’ attention to what you’ve been up to. Now, if you’ve been putting in the kind of fastidious work that we’ve come to expect from Virgos, you have nothing to worry about — this lunar phase is essentially your chance to get some recognition and take a bow. But, if you’ve been doing the bare minimum or dodging your responsibilities, this full moon may call on you to explain yourself. Either way, this period is a chance to prove what sort of worker you really are, Virgo.

Breathe a sigh of relief on the 21st, when the sun moves into Capricorn, your fellow earth sign. Not only will you feel more grounded, you’ll actually find some free time to let loose, have fun, and express yourself. By this point, you’ll have either doubled down on your work ethic or vowed to return to your sign’s hardworking ways. Once you’ve made sure things are running smoothly, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Land of La
The Land of La

LIBRA (September 22 - October 23)

You can consider your “social butterfly” reputation firmly secured after this month, Libra. From the 9th onward, your inbox, DMs, and even your physical mailbox will be inundated with quick questions, minor requests, and check-ins galore. It will, of course, be hard to determine whose messages should take priority, and there is a chance that a few people will be left on read simply because you were busy chatting with someone else. But you’re up to the challenge, Libra — and if anyone feels like you left them out in the cold, turn on your natural Libran charm and tell them you’re free next week.

Whether you’re preemptively sick of New Year’s Eve or raring to hit the town, keep your schedule open. Something — or someone — could unexpectedly drop into your life and demand your attention in the days leading up to NYE. Whether you get whisked away to a VIP shindig the day of or run into a potential new flame the week before and forget to go out on the 31st at all, be ready to forge sudden and magnetic connections as December draws to a close.

The Land of La
The Land of La

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Keep up the chase, Scorpio. Mars, the decisive planet of action, has been camped out in your sign since mid-November, and you’ve been in hot pursuit of your innermost desires ever since. Your intensity might be jarring to some, but others, possibly those with similar goals, will be drawn to you because of your passion. Either way, you could end up attracting more attention than your private sign is accustomed to.

Sweet, Scorpionic solitude awaits in the second half of the month, but it will come with a side of warm-and-fuzzies. Not only will you feel compelled to spend time at home with your loved ones, you may even want to reminisce with them about the good old days. It’s rare for you to don rose-tinted glasses, but there’s no harm in dwelling on the past as you approach a new year. If you can’t take took much sentimentality, view this rash of nostalgia as a chance to look back over the previous year and decide what you’re bringing with you into 2020.

VIDEO: The Spending Habits of 5 Zodiac Signs

The Land of La
The Land of La

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

Is your nest feeling empty, Sag? When Jupiter, your ruling planet, leaves your sign on the 2nd, you may end up with the sense that you’ve lost your partner in crime — or, more accurately, your partner in horizon-broadening and passion-chasing. While Jupiter was in your sign, you likely felt more like yourself (more adventurous, more energized, more free). That’s the power of Jupiter: It functions like a volume button stuck in the “up” position. Now that it’s in Capricorn, it will amplify some very un-Sagittarian energy, indeed, which will make this month a bit of a challenge for you, dear Archer.

You spent the last year learning and exploring — now it’s time to take those lessons and experiences and use them to inform your five-year plan. (Oh, by the way, now that Capricorn is in Jupiter, you need a five-year plan). You know yourself much better now than you did 12 months ago, Sag. It’s time to sort out your priorities. Luckily, the sun will be in your sign and fueling your can-do attitude until the 21st. This may feel like a slog, but you don’t want to end up like the grasshopper who kicked back, didn’t prepare for the long months of winter, and wound up out in the cold.

The Land of La
The Land of La

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

Intrepid Mountain Goat that you are, Cap, sometimes you prefer to feel like it’s you against the world. But the celestial events of this month will arrive in time to show you just how good it feels to have the wind at your back. As December opens, Jupiter will move into your sign and imbue your efforts and hard work with a, frankly, uncharacteristic sense of hope. To be clear, you won’t become an overnight Pollyanna — and you won’t suddenly start racking up easily won accolades — but you will feel more focused, more enthusiastic, and more capable of accomplishing even your long-term goals.

Then, on the 21st, your regularly scheduled solar season will begin, ushering in a month-long period of self-confidence where, again, you feel like you can handily dispatch any challenge that comes your way. We understand that a hard-headed earth sign like yours thrives when forging ahead against the odds, but that doesn’t mean you should balk when the going gets good.

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The Land of La
The Land of La

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

A quietude will come over your love life this month, Aquarius, but that doesn’t mean romance is off the table. Rather, simply let your relationships and dalliances simmer — don’t let them boil over quite yet. Besides, you may be too busy with your more platonic partnerships to log much time with your lover anyway: Throughout the first half of the month, your wider network will come a-calling with invitations and new connections that you should, on the whole, accept. Don’t be daunted by office get-togethers or large group hangouts. After the 9th, Mercury will be positioned just so to make your communication skills crackle in just these types of settings.

A superficial streak could arise after the 20th, when your thoughts turn to your appearance and ability to attract a potential lover with as little as, say, a glance. This will be the moment when any flirtations will start to bubble. But, even as you practice your sultry stare and playful wink, Capricorn season, which kicks off on the 21st, will temper any shallowness and redirect your end-of-month reflections toward what’s beneath the surface.

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The Land of La
The Land of La

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

Tend to your home and hearth on the 12th, Pisces, when the full moon in Gemini directs your focus toward domestic matters. This might mean browsing interior décor Pinterest boards, securing the guest list for the holiday party you said you’d host, or fielding family drama ahead of the big visit. It’s only natural for issues that hit close to home to crop up during this time of year — if you’ve managed to dodge them by the 12th, consider the full moon your chance to prepare for when, inevitably, you’ll have to mediate some tiff between your mom and her sister.

Starting on the 21st, Capricorn season will bounce you out of the house and into the next available office happy hour. This month-long period will present you with ample opportunities to broaden your social circle and share your ideas with those who can help you make them real. Rest while you can, Pisces. You could be closing out 2019 with an adoring public.

Was your November horoscope on point? Have a look back, here.