December Horoscope 2023: Mercury Retrograde Is Here & You’re On the Naughty List

It’s time to deck the halls, wrap the presents, and most importantly, peep the December 2023 horoscopes for each zodiac sign to get the cosmic scoop on what to expect from the planets this month.

As always, we enter December with the free-spirited and fun-loving vibes of Sagittarius season on our side. The holidays can be a stressful time, but with the proud sun and feisty Mars traveling together through Sagittarian skies, we’re reminded to approach life with a happy-go-lucky sense of spontaneity. Loosen up and have some fun!

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The personal planets jump right into action, as communicative Mercury enters hardworking Capricorn on December 1, putting us in a more disciplined and goal-oriented state of mind. A few days later, on December 4, amorous Venus slinks into sultry Scorpio, bringing greater intensity to our relationships and depth to our romantic desires. Numinous planet Neptune wraps up its annual retrograde on December 6, granting us greater access to our spiritual side and a clearer connection to our intuition. Neptune is the first of three planets that will station direct before the month is through, meaning the cosmic current is beginning to pick up speed!

Mid-month has some fireworks in store, as a mind-expanding new moon in Sagittarius rises on December 12, sparking our collective desire to broaden horizons and entertain new beliefs. Use the optimistic energy of this lunation to set some end-of-year intentions—but do it quick, because Mercury retrograde starts mere hours after the new moon peaks, at 2:09am ET on December 13. This backspin kicks off in pragmatic earth sign Capricorn, which could bring about some frustrating setbacks and roadblocks on the path toward our goals. Achievements take time, and this retrograde reminds us to have patience.

StyleCaster | December Horoscopes 2022
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

December 21 marks the winter solstice and the first day of Capricorn season, so it’s time to get on a disciplined grind—after you indulge in some holiday celebrations, of course. As the sun crosses into Capricorn territory, it’ll intersect with moonwalking Mercury at the sign’s very first degree, forming a Mercury cazimi. This is a great opportunity to get real about your long-term plans and make some retrograde revisions. Post-cazimi, Mercury backtracks into Sagittarius territory, giving us an opportunity to revisit conversations and ideas that were spinning through the end of November.

Mercury retrograde begins on December 13 at 8 degrees of Capricorn and ends on January 1 at 22 degrees of Sagittarius.

A heartfelt full moon in Cancer rises on December 26, so expect emotions to swell and feelings to flow. If we let it, this cathartic lunation can help us lighten our emotional load and embrace our vulnerability. Sensitive comet Chiron wraps up its retrograde on the very same day, ushering in a collective sense of healing and hope.

Love planet Venus enters wild-and-free Sagittarius on December 29, inspiring all zodiac signs to take more romantic risks and bring more spontaneity to relationships. The following day, Jupiter retrograde comes to an end, upping our confidence and conviction when it comes to our ever-shifting philosophies on life. As we ring in the New Year, we do so with a surge of forward-flowing energy and harmony—as a gorgeous grand earth trine on December 31 involving the sun, moon, and benefic Jupiter provides us with a sense of grounding and loads of good luck.

How the Planets Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign This Month

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of December 2023, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:


On December 7, the confident sun harmonizes with sensitive Chiron in your sign, giving you a chance to show off your growth and channel pain into progress. You have so much to teach others and offer the world, so start applying what you’ve learned from challenging past experiences to all that you do. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Sagittarius season is activating your deep and complex eighth house, and the new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 is the perfect time to dive into your heart’s lockbox and start exploring. The intuitive nature of this lunation can help you see what issues that lie beneath the surface of your relationships. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


An exciting new moon in Sagittarius rises in your partnerships sector on December 12, so set an end-of-year intention related to love and romance. Just remember that Mercury retrograde officially begins later that night, so some unspoken desires or deep secrets could very well come bubbling to the surface over the coming weeks. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


On the same day that Mercury retrograde begins, a sparkly and productive new moon will kick off a fresh lunar cycle, putting a fire under your daily responsibilities. If you’ve been distracted, this is a good time to make sure your calendar is in order before the holiday madness hits a full stride. Don’t overbook yourself! Read your full monthly horoscope here.


The middle of the month is a time of magic and destiny, as a gorgeous and fiery trine between the North Node of Fate and the sun—your cosmic ruler—inspires you to expand your comfort zone in order to align with your spiritual purpose and passion. You’re slowly but surely stepping into your power, Leo. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Speaking of Mercury retrograde, it officially begins late-night on December 12, so beware of old dating matches creeping back into your inbox after pulling a disappearing act. If you keep your wits about you, getting lost in the fantasy of an old flame could be fun, especially given that dreamy planet Neptune just wrapped up its retrograde in your relationship zone a few days prior. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


As the month begins, your romantic ruler Venus is wrapping up its recent stint through your zodiac sign, putting the finishing touches on your Venusian glow-up. But before it does, it’ll square off with intense planet Pluto, allowing you to dig beneath the surface of your values and embrace your transformation. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 connects you with your sense of value—something you’ve been working with throughout the past weeks of Sagittarius season. Tap into your heart and get a refreshed sense of what’s worth your time, energy, and money. What you desire can change over time, so check in on where you’re pouring your resources. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Spend this first week of December wrapping up your holiday shopping, as Mercury retrograde kicks off in your finance sector on December 12 PT/December 13 ET, and it could contribute to money mix-ups or regrettable purchases. Gift receipts are a great idea. Just before this pesky retrograde, we’ll have an exhilarating new moon in Sagittarius, and it’s the perfect time for you to set a special birthday intention. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Capricorn season is all about you, but the powerful full moon on December 26 illuminates issues in your partnerships sector, giving you a chance to unleash pent-up emotions and release any baggage in your love life. A lunar trine with your cosmic ruler Saturn adds maturity to the handling of this catharsis—and promises that it’ll lead to a stronger foundation in your relationships. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Once the new moon in Sagittarius rises on December 12, you may be inspired to think beyond your personal ambitions and visualize how to create a better future for the world. Devoting some volunteer time to a worthy cause can help you find greater fulfillment right now, and will also connect you with like-minded groups of people. ‘Tis the season of giving, after all! Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The year ends on a high note, as a magical grand water trine follows up the full moon, activating spiritual Neptune in your sign. Then abundant planet Jupiter—your traditional cosmic ruler—wraps up its retrograde on December 30, ushering in a flow of fresh spiritual ideas and mind-expanding connections. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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