Dealing with Acne from Menopause? Here’s Why It Happens & What to Do About It

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Whereas menopause used to be something of a taboo subject, in recent years we’ve seen more women share their experiences about this transitional time. From Naomi Watts, who started Stripes, a wellness brand that includes products targeted towards menopausal skin to the former first lady Michelle Obama opening up about using hormone replacement therapy to treat her hot flashes, we’re grateful for the discourse that’s happening around the topic, including ways to treat other common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause like inflammatory acne. If you’re noticing an increase in painful, deeply seated bumps along the middle and lower part of your face, read on for some clarity on why it’s happening and what you can do about it.

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Meet the Experts

What Causes Acne from Menopause?

“Acne occurs during menopause due to the ongoing hormonal shifts at this time,” says Dr. Lal. As women go through menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, while androgen levels increase. “Androgens can stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin, leading to increased oil production. This excess oil, also known as sebum, along with dead skin cells and bacteria on your skin, can clog pores and result in breakouts,” explains Dr. Ericsson.

When Do You Typically Get Acne from Menopause?

For starters, all the experts we interviewed want to make it clear that everyone is different. “Hormonal changes during menopause can vary in timing and intensity for each person, so it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for a more accurate assessment of your specific situation,” advises Dr. Ericsson. That said, acne can happen at any phase of the menopause process, but more women report breakouts during perimenopause, which usually occurs around the ages of 45 to the early 50s (aka when there is the greatest fluctuations in hormones).

What Does Acne from Menopause Look Like?

“Acne from menopause may present in the lower face, particularly the chin and jawline,” shares Dr. Perkins, who adds that these breakouts “can be severe and may hang around longer, as the hormones responsible for their presence increase throughout the postmenopausal years.”

Menopausal acne tends to appear as “deep, inflamed and painful cystic acne lesions rather than the smaller, more superficial pimples commonly seen in teenage acne,” explains Dr. Ericsson. “These cystic lesions are often larger and may take longer to heal. Additionally, menopausal acne may be more concentrated around the chin, jawline and neck area, whereas teenage acne can be more widespread across the face.”

How to Treat Acne During Menopause

Treating acne during menopause is similar to how you might approach acne at other stages of your life, in that it’s ideally a comprehensive plan that includes lifestyle changes, topical treatments and prescription medications or oral supplements, depending on the individual.

Here are some lifestyle changes that Dr. Ericsson recommends trying first:

Dr. Perkins agrees, adding, “Holistic lifestyle changes are often the first recommended conservative approach to treating menopausal acne, as they may offer benefits without significant risks. Lifestyle changes include eating a diet that is full of fiber, getting adequate water intake, incorporating regular physical activity and strength training and taking supplements to support the body's cellular processes.”

If these lifestyle changes don’t help clear up the acne, here are some skincare products and medical treatments you can look into:

Again, as it bears repeating: It's important to consult with a dermatologist or other healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment(s) based on the severity and specific characteristics of your acne during menopause. Together, you can come up with personalized plan and monitor your progress to ensure the best outcome.

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