Deaf and Blind Dog's Sweet Way of Asking Dad for Help Is Melting Hearts

Living with a dog with special needs, such as those that are deaf and blind, requires a bit of extra patience on the owner's part. But that doesn't mean these precious pups can't be just as wonderful as any other dog that has full sight and hearing. It just takes a bit of learning how to help your special needs dog in the best ways possible.

Just take it from wonderful dog owner and TikTok user @Aiden_m365 who has learned how to read other cues from his beautiful dog Plum for when she needs something.

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TikTok users absolutely adore this sweet dog and her sweet owner and @Naomi says, "I always say we don’t deserve dogs…they are so wholesome." @Porcha adds, "Most pure love we experience is with animals, God bless you sweethearts I pray you all and the fur babies get a long healthy happy life filled with love." @Justine adds, "You’re such a sweetheart.. look how trusting she is of you!!!" @Summer says what a lot of us are feeling with "That is so precious! All the love you show to your doggos. Such a super, super human being."

Dogs with no hearing and no sight will rely on smell and touch to help them determine when their beloved human is near, and even though they can't see or hear they learn other ways of interacting with their favorite people, just like Plum. This sweet video is proof that dogs like these are just as precious of companions as any other dog.

If you are interested in adding a dog to your family, please don't overlook dogs with hearing or sight issues. They truly make the sweetest pets ever.

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