What Is Daxxify, and How Is It Different from Botox?

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What Is Daxxify, and Is It Different from Botox?I Like That One - Getty Images

As someone who gets Botox on the semi-regular, I can vouch for the fact that it works wonders. Botox Cosmetics, along with brands like Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, and now Daxxify, is a neuromodulator, a type of medication that temporarily paralyzes a muscle. Wield it expertly and deep frown lines are gone, crow’s-feet are softened, a neck hangs more smoothly... But, like so many good things—springtime, a perfect espresso, fresh hair color—the effects are fleeting. For me, Botox results last about five months max, and I’m lucky; the norm is typically three to four months. Why does it last longer for some than others? “It appears that metabolism has an effect,” says Corey Hartman, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Birmingham, Alabama. “Anecdotal evidence suggests that working out and a faster metabolism may break down a neuromodulator faster. Conversely, there are patients who report that they see longer-lasting results as their metabolism slows with age.”

Regardless, the Dorian Gray–like experience of seeing my shar-pei-like forehead lines return is an inevitable bummer, which is why the treatment becomes an act of regular (and pricey—the national average price of Botox for one area of the face is $490) beauty maintenance. Now the latest FDA-approved neuromodulator, called Daxxify (daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm), has hit the market with a unique selling point: It’s been shown to last up to five months longer than other injectable options. Here’s what you need to know.

How does it work to smooth lines?

Neuromodulators are made from purified, diluted botulinum toxin type A. Keyword: diluted. Because, of course, while full-blown botulism is a potentially fatal form of food poisoning, a tiny diluted amount has been shown—for decades, on millions of patients—to cause facial muscles to relax. “When the medication is injected into the muscle, it blocks a chemical neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which is what signals the muscle to contract,” says Mona Gohara, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Connecticut.

What makes Daxxify different?

“All neuromodulator formulas need a stabilizing protein that allows the neurotoxin to attach to the nerve receptor and stop the muscle from contracting,” says Gohara. “While most injectables use animal proteins to do this, Daxxify employs a synthetic peptide, which may be more efficacious at binding and inhibiting acetylcholine, consequently stopping the interaction between nerve and muscle for longer.” (Science lesson: A peptide is essentially a fragment of a protein that act as a messenger between cells.) Daxxify’s stabilizing peptide is positively charged, which could allow for better absorption and staying power. “Think of it like really strong Velcro,” says Marina Peredo, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York. Extensive clinical trials have found that Daxxify results last between six and nine months (compared to three to four months with other neuromodulators).

Will you see results quicker?

Perhaps. Some people report that they noticed wrinkle-reducing effects within a day or two, whereas it can take five to 10 days to see results with other neuromodulators. Theoretically, the efficacy of Daxxify’s peptide-enhanced technology could allow the neurotoxin to absorb and take effect sooner. “In my experience with Daxi, about half of my patients told me that it kicked in faster, and the other half said it took the same amount of time as other neurotoxins,” says Hartman.

Another possible benefit? This may be a good choice for those who have low-set brows and hooded lids. Finding a way to treat forehead wrinkles without causing the brows to droop a bit has vexed injectors for years. “I’ve found that I can inject Daxxify into the glabellar muscles [between the eyebrows] and it softens the forehead wrinkles while opening the eye area and keeping the brow lifted,” says Peredo. Hartman has seen similar results, “but this may have to do with the dermatologist’s injection technique rather than the formula.” (Daxxify is FDA-approved to be used in adults for the temporary improvement of moderate to severe glabellar lines, or frown lines between the brows, but it’s common practice for dermatologists to administer injectables off-label, too.)

Does it hurt?

You'll feel the momentary sharp pinprick of the needle. (As an old hand at the Botox game, I don’t bother with numbing cream, but it is always an option.) With Daxxify, some people report a slight stinging sensation for a few seconds during the injection. Peredo explains that the pH of the formula is a bit more acidic than other neuromodulators, thus the fleeting spiciness. It’s also worth noting that the injection of any neuromodulator comes with inherent risks and side effects, such as slight bruising at the injection site, and the rare incidence of an asymmetrical result or a very rare allergic reaction.

Is it more expensive?

Yup. Like all cosmetic treatments, prices vary depending on the provider and where you live, but Daxxify will cost a few hundred dollars more than other neuromodulators. “Typically, a neuromodulator treatment can be about $900. With Daxxify, it could be more like $1,400,” says Hartman, “but if it lasts almost twice as long, then you’re cutting your annual treatments down by half, so it would actually save you money because you’re not doing it as frequently.”

The bottom line: Is Daxxify better than other wrinkle-erasing options?

It depends on the patient. If you’ve been getting Botox injections and are happy with the results, then the pros we interviewed suggest that you stay the course. And if you’re a neurotoxin newbie or seeing a new dermatologist, then you may not want something that lasts longer. You can’t reverse the effects of a neurotoxin like you can with some other injectables. If you don’t love the results, you’re stuck for six to nine months.

“But I would offer Daxxify as an alternative to anybody who’s not getting the longevity they need from their neuromodulator,” Hartman says. Gohara agrees: “For someone who feels that their results are wearing off sooner, or that their neuromodulator isn’t working as well as it used to, I think it’s good to switch it up.”

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