A Date Night Trick for Married Couples That Will Make You (and Your Partner) Feel Flirty AF


Years into a marriage (with kids) and it’s no surprise that romance is hard to come by. No, I’m not talking about love—I’m talking about wooing each other. Yes, you can book the babysitter and make a dinner reservation, but adding a bit of spice to the night requires more.

That’s when I remembered this genius advice I found back when we were newlyweds: Meet at the restaurant.

It’s silly, but as soon as my son entered our lives, getting out the door for date night has become a bit of a chore. We’re racing to get ready, but also to tidy up and make sure the WiFi password and remote are ready for the sitter. By the time we’re done giving the logistical rundown, we’re exhausted—and flirty conversation on the way out the door is the last thing on our minds.

On a recent date night, however, my spouse slipped out before the sitter arrived; I stayed behind to ease the transition and get ready after he left.

As a result, I felt less rushed getting out the door—ahem, no spouse checking his watch—but I also appreciated the solo head-clearing walk to the restaurant. It helped me reframe the night and shed the stress brought on by kid logistics.

Instead, I found myself applying lipstick outside, then peering into the restaurant and scanning the bar in search of my husband. He had a seat reserved just for me and took my coat, before complimenting my (new-to-him) outfit. It was romantic and exciting—it also felt like old times.

For the record, this trick works for couples without kids, too. Maybe you’re co-habitating and just want to remove the part where your spouse sees you apply deodorant or pluck your chin hairs. Maybe it’s fun to simply meet in the garage and drive over together.

Bottom line: It’s the surprise that matters, the idea that effort was made. And if you smooch on the way home, all the better.

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