Daredevil Rider Removes Brakes For "Scariest" Lap Of His Life

It is a common trope when talking about a well built park line or what have you to say, "You don't even need to touch your brakes." Well, Oliver Cuvet decided to put that trope to the test and see if he actually could ride a park line truly brakeless.

To define truly brakeless, he took his levers off the bars and taped them to his top tube. There's no bailout stopping on his setup whatsoever.

Take a look at his fully brakeless run below.

Now, he managed to make it through but did describe this as the scariest run of his life. So, take that as a word of caution and maybe don't go try this one at home.

No matter how comfortable you are on a trail, you touch your brake a lot more than you probably realize you do. On that note, trying to consciously think about braking less is a great way to progress, but taking your brakes off entirely may not be the best course of action.

There's getting thrown into the deep end and then there's jumping off an oil rig into the ocean. Riding brakeless falls on the latter end of that spectrum.

Related: Brakeless in Virgin

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