Dairy Queen's August Blizzard Of The Month Is Actually A Twist On A Returning Fan Favorite

Photo credit: Dairy Queen
Photo credit: Dairy Queen

From Delish

To anyone who thought Dairy Queen’s Snickers flavor was as good as a Blizzard could get, the chain said, “Hold my ice cream.” Yesterday, DQ brought back what it says is its most requested flavor, the Snickers Blizzard. As if that wasn’t enough, they took things up a notch with a new variation: Snickers Peanut Butter Pie. We stan, Dairy Queen, we stan.

"We’re thrilled to have the popular offering back on the menu, answering fans’ calls for the beloved flavor,” Maria Hokanson, Executive Vice President of Marketing at Dairy Queen, said of the Snickers Blizzard in a press release, according to AOL. “The addition of the Peanut Butter Pie made with Snickers Blizzard Treat makes the return even sweeter.”

The Snickers Peanut Butter Pie Blizzard has vanilla soft-serve ice cream with Snickers pieces (duh), peanut butter sauce, and graham crackers. A mere couple of days ago, we would have sworn that the Snickers flavor was peak summer dessert, but life comes at you fast. Speaking of which, both the Snickers and the Snickers Peanut Butter Pie Blizzards are only available through August (they are sharing the title of Blizzard of the Month, which is very democratic of them) so if you stop reading right here to get yourself to the nearest Dairy Queen, we totally understand.

If you’re still here, we would like to take this time to remind you that Dairy Queen has really stepped up its Blizzard game in general this summer. It may be quite a difficult decision to choose between the Royal New York Cheesecake Blizzard with a strawberry core, the Oreo Cookie Jar Blizzard, the Chocolate Brownie Extreme Blizzard, the Turtle Pecan Cluster Blizzard, the S’mores Blizzard, or the Cotton Candy Blizzard, to name a few. We urge you, though, to celebrate the almighty Snickers flavor on a whole new level. Let’s make this the summer of the Snickers Peanut Butter Pie Blizzard.

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