Your Daily TeenScope for September 22, 2021

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Like Goldilocks, you'll find flaws everywhere today. The coffee's too cold, the weather's too hot, and you didn't get nearly enough sleep. Find something nice to say, or be prepared to see people roll their eyes.


You'll want to surround yourself with a crowd of friends today. The more support and comfort you have, the better you'll be at tackling the challenges that lie ahead. Relax into the positive aura of friendship.


You're often good at making your intentions clear without words, but if you try to communicate nonverbally today, you may run into misunderstandings that could be avoided. Proceed carefully with family members.


The big picture can wait. You have a talent for tying up loose ends today, and you should make use of it. Make lists, run errands and dust corners of your room you haven't looked at in years. It'll feel great.


You're a bit of a tightwad today, and your friends may be surprised that you're not eager to go shopping with them or shell out money for popcorn at the movies. Be thrifty, but be sure to suggest alternative activities.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You're feeling on top of the world, and nothing less than an earthquake will bring you down. Your usual passion for details will yield great results, and you'll feel more powerful and content than you have in months.


Whatever quarrels you might've had with friends before today are all forgotten in the glow of your excellent mood. Others may not be able to believe how easily you forgive, but for you, it's only natural.


It's a great day for making secret plans with friends. Put together a surprise birthday party or engineer a blind date between two people who would be perfect for each other. You've got a knack for planning.


Resist the temptation to complain -- nobody really wants to hear it. Plus, you're not going to win any philosophical arguments today. Facts and figures are more up your alley.


It's like you're on a fact-finding mission to a dangerous foreign country. You want to recover the evidence, analyze it quickly and hightail it out of there. Your motivation will keep things moving at a breakneck pace.


Today, you'll want to test people as you would produce at the grocery store. If something sounds hollow, then it probably is. Be wary, and look beyond what is readily apparent. You have the power of discernment.


All kinds of things you wouldn't usually consider cute will make your heart melt today. Even the way a little garter snake stretches open its mouth may make you coo. Give some of your love to friends, too, you old softy.

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