Your Daily TeenScope for September 04, 2021

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You're thinking big today, and you'll want an equally big canvas to chart your progress. Whether it's a dry-erase board or a huge sheet of butcher paper, create a picture as large as your ideas.


Something will seem out of whack today, but you may have trouble finding the source of your irritation. The most likely candidates are two people vying for the same conversational niche or social standing.


An encounter with a friend of a friend may prove surprising today. You're open to outside influence and hungry for different points of view, so get an email address or phone number and keep in touch.


You may have some problems with friends today. A conflict between your emotional stance and their more removed opinion will exacerbate any issues. Pretend you're an outside observer and coolly argue the case on your behalf.


The challenge you're facing right now is difficult. The good news? The solution is purely rational. It would be much worse if you had to wait for luck to open doors. Be flexible, and you'll figure it out.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


It's a good time to reevaluate the way you do things. Changing your personal routine slightly will introduce a welcome newness to your day, and you never know -- it may increase your efficiency as well.


If you were getting a preschool report card, it would be filled with glowing words about your emotional intelligence and your empathetic connection with peers. Then again, it might just say: 'Plays well with others.'


Suddenly your room just isn't the refuge you've always considered it to be. Maybe your tastes have shifted slightly, or maybe you've been watching too many home-redecoration shows. Either way, you're ready to make a change.


You have an appetite for new ideas. Fish out that worn piece of paper you used to write down a book someone recommended to you. It's a perfect day to go to the library or bookstore and track it down.


A natural wariness of suspicious-sounding proposals creeps over you today. Whether they're as serious as a pyramid scheme or as harmless as a chain letter, you doubt claims that others are quick to believe.


You'll bounce out of bed and scamper to the breakfast table with a spring in your step. Everywhere you go, people will gaze at you with admiration. Use this personal attention to express opinions and gain influence.


You're in a dreamy mood today, and you'll find yourself thinking associatively instead of logically. Write poetry or compose music. One thought will lead to another, and each will be slightly different but on the same theme.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞