Your Daily TeenScope for May 18, 2024

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You're a little bit intense these days. Luckily it's way easy to get rid of that energy without taking any hostages. Shoot hoops on the court or shoot bad guys on the console -- either way nobody gets hurt.


You have an eye on your people right now. You can do a lot of good without lifting a finger just by sharing your wisdom with those who need it most. After all, it's okay just to listen and not butt in for once.


Big stuff is on your mind right now, so why not go in as deeply as possible? The world will wait for you (for a little while, at least) while you figure it all out, so take your time and consider all the possibilities carefully.


Money, jobs, chores and other mundane responsibilities will be impossibly weird for a short while. If you can put it off or get a buddy to help, then you'll be okay. Otherwise, just suck it up and do what you have to do. It'll be over with in a jiff!


Your heart just grew three sizes -- share the love with someone younger, such as a brother or sister. You'll be impossible to resist and that good karma will follow you forever.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


How many energy drinks did you consume? Even if the answer's none, you'll still find your attention wandering throughout the day. Don't worry about it -- you'll be back to normal in no time.


Sneak in a little bad behavior -- it won't come back to haunt you (as long as you don't break any laws). You can go back to being a little angel shortly, but for now, adventure and mischief are just what the stars ordered!


A new source of power is driving you forward and pulling in attention from far and wide. If you want to get to know a certain someone better, chat them up now. You can't make a wrong move, even if you tried.


You're about to get one of your patented flashes of insight. Don't bother trying to explain it to your people, though -- they just won't get the point until it's already come to pass.


Take time off from your ordinary activities to sketch out a plan for the next few months (and maybe years). You don't have to stick with it religiously, but you'll have some guidelines at least -- which is much better than wandering aimlessly.


You need some new energy and fresh activities. Look around and find the direction you're least familiar with, then mosey on down that way and see what you find. If you need moral support, don't hesitate to ask a friend to come along for the ride.


You're feeling large and in charge, but don't mess with the wrong folks out of some kind of confused sense of entitlement. Some people have no values and don't care about morals, so make sure a buddy's got your back.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.