Your Daily TeenScope for May 17, 2024

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You aren't really comfortable today, but you can't figure out why. Does it have something to do with money? Or with your friends and family? It's all so confusing! Putting your angst on paper will do wonders toward finding solutions.


You are not a possessive person usually, but today someone's going to say something that makes you feel strangely sensitive. Don't freak out. You may be reading too much into it.


There's a giant, very colorful world out there. You won't ever be able to learn everything there is to know, but that's no reason to stop learning something new every day. Keep your mind open and the possibilities will be endless for you.


You'll feel like you're in the middle of a tornado today. Not that any serious damage will occur (with any luck), but you'll experience lots of confusion, noise and things flying through the air. Stay low to the ground, just in case.


You've been thinking about a certain something for a long time, and a lot more is going on than you ever considered. The river's surface can appear glassy, even when a violent eddy is swirling deep below.

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Your analytical powers are pretty honed by now. You are the kind of person who's intellectually curious, which is more than you can say for a bunch of other people your age.


You are a generous person, so it's weird when someone says you're kind of cheap, especially when so many people out there are way more stingy than you. Ignore those unkind words -- they're just jealous of you.


People are drawn to you like moths to a flame. They just throw themselves at you left and right. If only you could find someone you felt like throwing yourself at. Keep looking -- you'll find that dreamy person soon enough!


What's happening in your dreams lately? Maybe it's time to figure it out. Your subconscious is very active lately. The best way to sort it all out is to try to interpret the symbols that keep popping up.


You have really big plans, but it's going to take some organizing to do what you want to do. Ask your friends to help out. They love a good project, and they're all really talented and organized too.


You want to move forward in your life, but you're just feeling a little sluggish today. Your feet are stuck in some thick mud. Wait until things loosen up. Then take your next step -- it'll be a great relief to be moving again.


You are happy to help others when they need help, but that doesn't mean they can just walk all over you. There's a different between helping out a friend and being their doormat.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙