Your Daily TeenScope for May 12, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Why do gurus retreat to mountaintops? Partly because they just need some peace and quiet. Find your own oasis where you can think and contemplate. You're sage and wise, after all; you just need a moment to sort things through.


Pack up the wheelbarrow and make a run for it, baby. You can totally take off like a jet into a skyline. Powerful energy from the earth electrifies your every movement and keeps you involved in wonderful action.


Other people are transparent to you today, and you enjoy looking into the fishbowl and watching what ideas swim around inside them. That intuitive power of yours has been growing exponentially lately.


Are you yearning for change? Scratch that itch with incremental steps -- slowly move away from normal. The smaller your hops, the more likely you are to be pleased with yourself in the future.


Like white clouds sailing through a blue sky, you and your friends are the most interesting features on the landscape today. Swing your feet and your backpacks, because all eyes are on you guys and your high spirits.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


Somebody's new idea makes you puff up in defense. Smooth those raised hairs on the back of your neck and listen carefully, because germs of truth hide amid whatever infuriates you. Be the sensible one.


Imagine a baby bird, clinging to the nest and flapping downy wings. If that bird just dove and trusted, flight would already be under way. You, too, are clinging too tightly to an outdated self-image. Take the leap.


Experimenting with a new idea provides just the information you need to transform a hypothesis into a full-fledged theory. So seek out the test tube required, get a control group and test that baby out.


That keen logical mind of yours has been detecting inconsistencies and problems with life lately. Today, open your heart and senses, because an unexpected figure will pop onto the scene and show you new light.


Subjects like philosophy or business just don't capture your wide-ranging intellect today. When someone asks you a question, you're ready to go to the board and explain like a true teacher.


If kids around you are deliberately being weird to get attention, don't reward them. Ignore them and concentrate on being your usual confident, risk-avoiding self, because you may be their boss one day anyway.


A firm vision crystallizes in your mind today, providing a mirage you can steer toward. Share your dream, because there are people who would love to help out and sing along as you go.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.