Your Daily TeenScope for June 18, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Either in written form or conveyed through music, poetry speaks deeply and soulfully. Find a new favorite poet; peruse local library stacks or online poetry archives for words that lift you out of the ordinary.


The path to your heart runs straight through your brain, and your friends and family have to travel that path before you love them completely. A new intellectual challenge has you loving them even more.


Skimming the surface of a topic and darting around the shape gives you an image of what exists, but you'll have to throw aside your philosophical yearnings to put on surgical gloves and go deep inside.


Dive into the serious. Find someone with intense focus and the ability to shape the world through their undying energy. Adopt this person as a role model. You can learn a lot just by observing and asking a few pointed questions.


Such fun notions pop out of you that you'll definitely need a companion to seize upon and synthesize the best ideas into tangible action. So grab a friend and take on the world, one delighted laugh at a time.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


If lured toward temptation in the form of gambling or betting, close your eyes, mutter calming words and walk away. A huge trick lurks in the risk -- wisdom dictates finding a better way to entertain yourself.


Big ideas pour from the world, and you're positioned to examine the waterfall and figure out just which bits you want to scoop up and take home. These crystalline ideas inspire you to be a better friend and deeper thinker.


With the grace and speed of an ice skater, you navigate cold, hard logic with flair and determination. Others can't keep up -- they admire your graceful maneuvers and are dying to find out how you manage it all.


Like a surfer, you ride an emotional wave of epic proportions, feeling lifted to the heavens and loving the feel of the salt spray and wind in your hair. Others adore your grinning glow as well.


A swarm of tasks needing your attention is about to descend, seemingly just to annoy you. But you know better, because if you can get through the to-do list, you'll experience clear, fresh air and time for relaxation.


An analytical mood will descend on you -- an attack of Sherlock-like logic and decisiveness. Little decisions are knocked off your to-do list with every motion, and you think through the bigger issues bit by little bit.


Be succinct. Think of the clarity of bumper stickers and treat words as precious resources that need filtering and preservation to be life-sustaining and enjoyable. Your economy makes you more persuasive.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞