Your Daily TeenScope for July 21, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Your way with words is strong right now, and you may find people are much more willing to hear you out. Go ahead and start gabbing -- you'll know when it's time to let the others have their turn.


You're running a little too fast to keep steady footing, so if you stumble, don't be too surprised. You may need to retrace a few steps or even start over -- maybe you should slow down a little first.


You're in a great mood, and you should take pains to let people know how it's going -- and to check in with them, of course. Your way with words, already legendary, is better than ever today.


Now is a good time to bust out of your usual routines and maybe to show off a little. People won't be expecting it, and you might find you really enjoy the opportunity to shake things up!


You have a better sense of what you want out of the future, but deal with the nuts and bolts sooner rather than later. Talk things over with someone who knows the score today.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


You're totally ruthless when it comes to emotional situations today -- not because you're a shark, but because you can't stand it when people act illogically. And as we all know, they just love to do that.


Talk now -- it can't wait. It's probably not a big, serious capital-I Issue, but your energy will start to gnaw at you if you keep it bottled up. Find someone willing to listen and pour it all out!


Something small jumps out at you from that homework assignment or club project, and you can't let it go. That's the right attitude in this case -- focus in on it until it makes sense or you can get rid of it!


Snap into action when the time is right -- rely on your intuition, and that's working fine right now. Your presence can make the difference between a good day and a bad one for someone else.


You're a bit unfocused, so if you're lucky, you can get away with idle chatter and playful flirting, rather than serious studies or hard projects. If it's the latter, do your best, but save some energy for tomorrow!


Your love life is about to get a bump, whether you're ready for it or not. If you're single, someone you see every day suddenly turns hotter than hot -- but if you're seeing someone, you get even closer.


Sit still all day, or at least keep from straying too far from your routines. They may or may not be comforting, exactly, but you do know what to expect, and that's a big relief.

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