Your Daily TeenScope for July 12, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Let your dreams roam far and wide -- decide what you want to do next, and the sky's the limit! Now is a really good time to gather the support you will need to get there one day.


You're the only one willing to step up and say 'no' when your people start to get a little rowdy or out of it. Don't hesitate -- things will get better, but it might just take a little longer.


Your ideals are feeling a little stronger right now, and you should find it easier to stand up for them than usual. It's a good time to let people know what's what, even if you think they'll disagree.


Try not to bite anyone's head off -- but do express your anger when it arises. It's a delicate balance, but you can tell you won't be able to work together if either one of you is seething or upset.


You may accidentally step all over someone else's ego -- and it won't matter that you didn't mean to! Step back as quickly as you can, and shower them with apologies, and things should be okay.

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You're feeling the need to play around with your routines a bit and find a new groove that really works for you. Of course, you have a few constraints, so stay within the lines!


You are feeling far more romantic than usual, so if you're seeing someone, make today special for them. If not, this could be your big chance -- you are just about as hot as can be right now!


An outburst -- from you or someone else -- disrupts the family harmony that may or may not have been a stable feature lately. It might actually be a really good thing if it forces people to deal.


Find a good way to get out in the world and meet new people. You aren't bored with your friends and family, but your social energy is driving you to add to their ranks soon!


Your ability to handle figures and responsibilities adds up to a good head for finance, and you should try to help out with any after-school activity or club that needs some common sense when it comes to money.


It's time to get busy -- you know that things need to change, and you should be able to push them in the right direction with minimal effort if you start right away. Make use of that good energy!


Write down, or at least remember, your dreams from last night. They are more direct than usual, and might have definite clues to what you should be doing over the next month or so.

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