Your Daily TeenScope for January 30, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Sometimes money problems just make you want to scream your lungs out -- like today, maybe? Try not to freak out too badly, though, because you aren't going to have to worry about the situation for much longer.


Try not to get caught up in anyone's big dramas today -- you'd much rather enjoy your own quiet energy than deal with their madness. You might convince a few people that it's best to hang out and chill.


Things don't always go exactly the way you want them to, and today you that once-clear path to fun is actually littered with roadblocks. That's cool -- you can just zip around them, right?


You need to chill with your friends or make some new ones to make the most of the day and your good energy. Find a party or some other gathering to wander through -- that should do the trick!


You feel as if you're watching everything from a high vantage point today. Take a few steps down and see how it goes, but don't try to go any lower for at least a few more days.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You need to try that one cutie again -- things should go a lot better between you! Or, if you're already seeing someone, expect much stronger chemistry throughout the day. It's mostly you, but you don't need to brag about it.


You look awesome and you know it -- and both factors put together make you one hot commodity! If you're looking for a new romantic interest, now is the time to get out there and rustle one up. Things are looking good!


You need to deal with a friend, even though you might rather just chill and take care of your own business. It's a good time to listen to their needs and try to help them cope. Earn those karma points and trade them in later.


You and your people are chattering away, and you couldn't be happier. It's the best possible time to tell folks what's on your mind, and maybe to ask that one unbelievably hot new kid out.


You're feeling the creative instinct well up within you once again, and this time you are probably inclined to refine a project you had left behind in the past. You know just how to finish it with style.


Your parents need a few words with you, and this time it would be way better for everyone if you started the conversation yourself. It might get them to see you in a new light if you bring it on.


Your good energy makes communication easy and pretty straightforward. You might be able to reach out to that one friend who is going through so much trouble now -- they will certainly appreciate it!

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