Your Daily TeenScope for January 20, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You are something of a visionary today, picking out the best of the great ideas floating around in your mind and fusing them into a coherent whole. You don't need to get to work on it all just yet, though.


Someone close to you is vying for a new social position or official title of some kind, and you might decide to help, if for no other reason than to have something to do. Power struggles can get weird, though!


Your mental energy is strong now, and it's a great time for you to launch deep investigations of ideas and people that have puzzled you for some time. You may need to get more information first, though.


The key to getting through today's weirdness is flexibility. You may need to learn a few new tricks to really succeed, but that's not so hard for you. Try not to get too emotionally involved!


Today is all about creativity and thinking outside the box. You may need to slow down and try a few crazy ideas out before you hit on the one that really works for you, so be patient!

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You're tempted to let someone have it over their silly behavior, but try your best to keep your comments constructive. It may be hard, but it's totally worthwhile -- they just won't listen otherwise!


Life is a lot sweeter than usual today, and you should find even boring stuff such as cleaning your room or doing yard work fun. It's not that you've become boring yourself, it's just that you enjoy life too much to mope.


Different ideas are hard for you to manage today, and that could lead to all sorts of trouble if people are unwilling to compromise. Keep the burner down low for now.


New ideas are fascinating you for all sorts of reasons right now, and you might decide to try exploring some subject that has always piqued your interest but you just never quite got around to before.


Today is perfect for thinking about money in a big-picture sense -- how it comes to you, what you do with it, how to save some of it, and so on. Even if there's not much to go around you can still make better use if it.


Though you may need to take some time out to work through some new ideas, you can't help but notice that your romantic energy is working overtime. If you ask someone out, the odds are good for you!


Before you get all caught up in your latest scheme, it's a good idea to get a reality check from someone you trust. It's way too easy to fall for unrealistic ideas right now, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

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