Your Daily TeenScope for January 19, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You're up for almost anything -- as long as it's different than what you did yesterday! Your desire for new action is so strong that you might make up absurd games with friends or just pick things at random.


Play it straight today -- you need to keep from attracting too much attention. It's a good time for you to blend in with the crowd and make sure you can save the weirdness for the right time.


You have a way with words -- everyone knows that. On a day like today, though, it almost feels like magic, in that you can persuade almost anyone of almost anything, if only for a little while.


Someone needs to be swayed to your side, but you are far better off proceeding logically than trying to tug at their heartstrings. Line up your arguments and have at it -- they should see the light of reason!


You need to make sure you can mix things up when the time is right -- otherwise, you'll be stuck with the same old stuff when everyone else is moving on. Things aren't as locked up as you think!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You and your friends are thinking along the same lines right now, but you need to make sure you're still playing around with new ideas and kicking back possibilities for the future.


If someone has been hard for you to read lately, you should find that it's much simpler today, thanks to your social intuition rebounding in a big way. It's not magic, it's just seeing things in a new way.


You are feeling the urge to make some change in your life -- probably related to your appearance or the setup in your room. It's a good idea to get your parents to sign off on this one.


Your social energy is still quite strong today, and you may find that people are much more likely to respond to your attempts to reach out and really connect. It's a great day to build up new alliances.


You may need to try something a bit different when it comes to handling cash today -- if you have any to handle, that is! You may actually be a little better off if you're broke, though it may not feel like it.


Your brainy energy is taking the world by storm today -- and you should find that people are ready to take you seriously at last! It's a great day to explore new ideas and come up with something brilliant!


You may not be terribly focused today, but the odds are good that you don't need to be anyway. Kick back and think about what you want to do with yourself next year.

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