Your Daily TeenScope for February 19, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You feel unusually energetic and social right now -- even for you! It's a good time to meet new people, especially those who are new to town or your neighborhood, so walk right up and say hey!


If it feels like people are hard to deal with today, it's because their energy is driving them at a different pace than yours. It's probably best for you to hang back and let them wear themselves out!


Speak up early and often -- you have nothing to gain from silence! Of course, communication goes two (or more) ways, so listen up when the time is right and you might learn an awful lot.


You're sure someone is up to no good, but you can't quite put your finger on what exactly is up. Watch and wait -- eventually they should slip up, and you'll be on them like white on rice!


You're busy cramming your brain with new information, and while your social energy is crackling, if your people aren't into whatever you're doing, you're just as happy to let them wander.

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Are you freaking out about money? It won't be the first -- or the last -- time, but you need to chill out a little and see if you can come up with some non-drastic answers. Ask the parents for advice!


Your sharp mind is ready for something more serious -- though that doesn't necessarily mean romance! You're in a good position to convince people you are ready for some new kind of responsibility.


You're not usually one to shy away from a fight, as long as it's not completely stupid. Today, though, you'd rather step aside, even if it means you have to give up a little in return. That's fine.


It almost doesn't matter what is actually going on around you today -- your great energy should keep you feeling great throughout! Share the love with your favorite people and keep the fire burning!


You're craving more of the same-old, same-old today -- with good reason! Sometimes that regularity can be comforting, and things have actually been pretty good for you overall lately!


You're feeling pretty nutty today, and don't want to hide it! Why should you, anyway? Your ideas help keep life interesting, and if that means putting some people off, then so be it!


Someone isn't being completely truthful with you, and today makes that crystal clear. Try to let them know you're disappointed, but don't be too surprised if they deny everything and run away!

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