Your Daily TeenScope for February 19, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Whoa, slow down, speedster! You love to jump into the action and make things happen, but right now you should be looking -- not leaping. Apply that energy of yours to mapping out an ingenious plan.


You have two choices today: You can let the weird, annoying behavior of others send you into a frustrated conniption, or you can blow them off and maybe even laugh along. Now which sounds like more fun?


Could it be romance? Or just a random chance to goof around with someone new and cute and fun? Either way, don't pass up the invitation when it comes along today.


Maybe you should try out for a team, join a club or find some other new fun -- and cheap -- after-school activity. Money is tight, and you need to find creative ways to have fun on a budget.


Sheesh, ease up a little! It's hard to back down when you have killer instincts like yours -- you're a fighter, not a lover, when it comes to making your point. But let somebody else win this battle for you.

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Ready to lose some of that old junk? Start in your closet or under your bed, then continue this renovation up into that head of yours. You could stand to donate some of those outmoded ideas and opinions to charity, too.


What a heartbreaker! You'll find yourself the object of everyone's affection today, so don't let any chance for flirtation go untaken. Just go easy on the smitten masses -- they can't help themselves.


Home should be your castle, your place to get away from the annoying aspects of life. But sadly, you won't find safe haven on the home front today -- not until you engage in some much-needed peacemaking with the family.


Beware of sneaky salespeople today. A crazy purchase might sound good -- you could use a change of pace, right? But stay the course. Don't buy into any wild schemes just yet.


You are totally on fire today -- you're absolutely ablaze with wit, charm and enthusiasm, so enjoy the applause today. You've always suspected everybody loved you, and now you know it's true.


People have nothing but trust and respect for you, but you'll also have the personal charisma and arm-twisting influence to get things done. In short, you rule. And nobody can take that away from you!


What have you been dreaming about? Today might be the day to make some of those dreams come true. Your psychic insight has never been better, and all you need to do is act on those insights.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.