Your Daily TeenScope for February 13, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Why is everything suddenly strange? You thought you had figured everything out, but now the world's kind of gone fuzzy. Who are these people? And why do they have such funny-looking noses?


You are one of the most popular people you know. You knew you had friends, but you didn't realize how many you had or how intensely they felt about you. You're a total rock star.


You should try to get a little deeper and really figure out what's going on. You're not a very calculating person, but you're a talented investigator. And more than anything, you're curious.


You thought you knew what was going on, but it turns out this is all a whole lot bigger than you thought. A word to the wise: don't get involved with stuff you are unsure of -- today especially.


There are people you can rely on no matter what, and then there are people who are a bit more shady than you may even know. It's important to recognize the difference and plan accordingly.

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You are the kind of person who can't get enough of books. You go through them with a kind of ravenous intensity, and you don't put them down until you've squeezed out all their juice.


You can see from here into next week -- that's how good your vision is. You have more than just expert eyes, you also have an intuition that won't quit. Somehow, you just get people.


Your stuff is just that: stuff. It's not the end of the world if something gets dented or dinged. At the end of the day, your material possessions are not going to make you happy.


You are feeling a bit moody and slow today. That's perfectly okay. You can't be at the top of your game every day. Every now and then, someone else in your circle of friends has to carry the torch.


Your friends are at the center of your universe today. You have this miraculous ability to find people who are talented and funny, and who think that you are talented and funny, too. Well, it's true, you are.


You were all set to be the center of the world today, but you woke up feeling a little crummy. Now you're thinking maybe you'll stay in today instead of going out. You need some you time -- totally understandable.


Today you're going to have a breakthrough. You're going to feel like a flower pushing through the surface of the soil in the early spring. The feeling will be amazing, and so will the view.

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