Your Daily TeenScope for April 12, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


You love new people, places and things, so today expect your fill of excitement. As long as you keep moving, you should have plenty to choose from; you might even find something that works great for you


You have to admit that it's funny, but still, the weirdness going on around you is seriously out of place right now. You might have to be the one who tells people to straighten out.


You're still in a weird mood, but it's good weird. You should be able to turn yourself around on some issue or problem that has been bugging you lately. It's easier than you think to walk away.


You can get your parents to help you out with almost anything you want today -- as long as you appeal to their reasonable side. If you go for the gut, they'll shut down in a heartbeat.


Today is not good for complaining -- adapt to the situation instead of trying to change it. The good news is that you can become more influential if you show that you're changing.

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It's time to try something very different -- even if it kind of spooks you a little. You'll at least learn something new; you might be able to broaden your horizons quite a bit.


Have you been trying to figure someone out? Now is a good time to make sure you're on their wavelength -- your intuitive energy is perfect for picking up those signals.


Get that big conflict out in the open -- but don't expect a peaceful resolution right away. As long as everyone's talking it up, you should be okay. Take your time and keep your cool.


It's easier than ever to make real connections with people, even if you're separated by miles and miles of wires and satellite feeds. Reach out to someone new and see what happens.


You're freaking out a little bit about money, but that doesn't mean you have to go begging from the parents or find a new job. You might just have to slow down the spending a little bit.


You might not be the next Stephen Hawking, but you have a good brain in there -- and right now, it's busting out with hot ideas. You should write down what you can, and save the rest in your memory for later.


Hang back and spend time thinking -- or dreaming -- today. Make sure you're focused on the future as much as possible, because you can make a real difference. Yes, a lot is going in the present, but look to the coming days for answers.

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