Your Daily TeenScope for April 01, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Just about anything you start today has a great shot at turning out just the way you want it to, so go for it! Ask someone out, start a new blog, get busy with art or do whatever comes to mind.


Folks you deal with but aren't necessarily friends with -- teammates, club members and folks like that -- are really important right now, and you may be able to beef up your position with them.


Now's the time to act -- things aren't going to get any better until you do! Fortunately, you have just the right energy for the task, so get started early and reap the rewards that much sooner.


You feel more connected than ever to your home or your room or something else that feels like it belongs only to you. It's a good time to redecorate or to assert more control than usual.


Someone needs to hear from you today -- all you have to do is figure out who it is! It may be that it's easiest to ping everyone you know and say hey, 'cause you'll hear back from the right one.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


It's a good day to hang out with a close friend or family member who is usually on your wavelength -- because you should be able to get some amazing conversation out of them. It might change the way you see the word.


You're full of amazing, vibrant energy, and can easily pass some of it along to others -- so enjoy the fun, and let others in on your secret. Someone is really down, and needs a transfusion quickly!


You can't quite put your finger on what needs to happen today, but you can tell that it's kind of a big deal. The thing is, you're having a hard time keeping anything in one place long enough to figure it out!


You can see the whole year spread out before you and know just what do to make the most of it. Not all of it will be easy, but as long as you're tuned into the big picture, at least you know what comes next.


Spend some time with new projects or plans today -- and you should start something totally unprecedented, if possible! Even if it's kind of squishy for now, it'll take shape soon.


You and your people need to try something you've never tried before -- it could be as simple as a new spot to eat lunch, or it could get pretty crazy and involve crosstown traffic. Lead the way!


It's up to you to save the day when things start to go wrong around the house -- your creative ideas suddenly become intensely practical, and everyone can see that you're right pretty quickly.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.