Your Daily Singles Horoscope for September 10, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


What's cooking? Use the power of a home-cooked meal to impress that new cutie in your life. Invite them over for supper and show off what you can do. Remember that you don't have to be a professional chef -- just put some love in the mix and you've got them begging for more.


You usually want to be in charge, making plans and setting rules. This often leads to power struggles, so when it comes to love, let your partner lead sometimes, and enjoy the novelty of just letting go.


You're seriously opinionated, and you do enjoy a passionate debate. You may meet your match in next few days. A brainy sparring partner arrives on the scene and pushes all your buttons in just the right way. Should your intense discussion turn romantic? It's a definite possibility!


A good friend could be starting to see you in a very different light. If you feel the same, go ahead and take the next step and start getting to know them romantically. A relationship that starts as a friendship can be great -- but of course, it comes with risks!


You feel so confident now that you could take on the world. Everything is within your reach. If you want to ask someone out, now is most certainly the time. Your positive energy makes it nearly impossible to resist you!

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Your schedule is quite full, and so is that of your new crush. It's going to take a little extra flexibility to get you both in the same place at the same time, but try to make it happen. Some creative rearranging is called for, and once you can sync schedules, you should find yourselves in sync in other ways.


What should you say when your BFF wants to set you up with someone they think is right for you? Hint: It starts with the letter Y! Even if you feel skeptical, take a chance. You never know if you don't try. It turns out your friend is on to something.


Work may be getting you down, and a bad situation with the boss may have you feeling blue. Cheer yourself up by ringing up your friends and meeting at your favorite place. An evening of catching up with your people and flirting with the regulars is exactly what you need.


You need to take a chance on romance! Have you been pinning all your hopes on someone who's a really long shot? For now, the odds are definitely in your favor, so go ahead and make your move!


Watch out for someone who's not everything they claim to be. If that charming stranger seems to be just a little bit too perfect, those familiar warning flags should go up!


Your new crush seems to be sending you mixed signals -- one day they seem interested, and the next they seem totally indifferent. Just back off for a little while and see if your absence can make their heart grow fonder.


You've got quite a bit of emotional drama surrounding you today. Try to back off from as much of it as you can! Keep your focus on your own love life, and let others do the same.

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