Your Daily Singles Horoscope for October 08, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You're plunging forward with your latest romantic initiative and determined as ever to make it a smashing success. Just don't trample anyone on the way. It's bad for your love karma.


Each encounter you have holds all sorts of possibilities, but you won't get the best of it unless you surrender your preconceptions. Your "type" may be about to undergo a dramatic overhaul.


Quick! What's happening with you on a deeper level right now? Trick question! You can't answer this one in a heartbeat, but you should take the time to find the answer. Look within.


Your social life and private life are colliding in an unusual way, and there you are at the crossroads. Look for an opportunity to be more spectacularly yourself. Someone special will notice.


Your boundless energy could be interpreted as a wee bit arrogant if you're not careful. Combat this by applying that energy to being fascinated by others, particularly a certain someone.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Be a daredevil in the name of love. For you, this might start with just letting yourself be less than perfect and knowing with utter confidence that you're completely lovable.


Responses from others give you little electric jolts early in the day, but by this afternoon you may be getting nothing but static. Tune in to yourself and march to your own beat.


Someone may be trying to persuade you of something in the realm of romance, but you're pretty sure they're just feeding you a line. Your intuition is golden. Don't squander it.


Confidence is far sexier than anything you can apply to your exterior, and you should be feeling its power now. Say what you mean and mean what you say. The right person will be blown away.


If your latest romantic overture didn't go precisely as planned, get ready for things to start going your way, and fabulously so. Don't be surprised if good stuff pops up in the most unexpected places.


If the cosmos seems to have thrown a wrench in your expansive mood, don't try to fight it. Some days are made for fun and romance, but this may not be one of them.


Pay attention and you'll suddenly see a way that a friend can help you out in the realm of romance, or vice versa. When it finally occurs to you, you'll be surprised by how obvious it is.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.