Your Daily Singles Horoscope for October 06, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You could very well be pulling up stakes and using them to stake a claim in the prairie, emotionally speaking. That is, you're pioneering some new territory!


Maybe you're not usually into gambling, but today it looks like you're betting with your heart as collateral. Try talking to a wise friend for some sage advice.


Today, you're not just having a good time, you're have a really good time! And you don't just like them, you really like them! And you aren't just good looking, you're amazing!


Your private life is getting a little too public if every single person in the office except the object of your affection knows about the object of your affection. Change it up today.


How much fun can you possibly have today? Think about it, then invite someone you really like to come along. Suddenly you'll be having that much fun times a million, which equals an exponentially better time!

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In romance, as in sword fighting, a little bit of daring goes a long way. Add a mask and a cape and you're halfway to where you want to be! Touché!


What the heck is going on with your feelings today? If you don't know, it means it's probably time to start finding out. If you don't know how you feel, how will they?


You might do something some people say you shouldn't: mix love and philosophy. Don't worry about the naysayers. After all, there are plenty of qualified folks who say it's fine to mix the two!


You can't love somebody if you don't like them. This is something you don't need any lessons on. You really, really like the person you'd like to love in the near future. Chances are they like you too.


So you think they're out of your league? What do you think this is? Baseball? A comic book battle between justice and the bad guys? Come back to earth and flirt with them. At worst, you'll strike out.


Some days you feel like a really long daisy chain: attractive and connected! Today's one of those days. Why not find a daisy-loving cutie to wrap yourself around?


Luck is on your side today. If the sweet thing you've been pining for is rushing around a corner, they'll bump into you. Oops! Wipe that coffee off your shirt and let them make it up to you over dinner.

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