Your Daily Singles Horoscope for November 22, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Keep your values top of mind (and heart) right now. If you act and live in ways that demonstrate your core beliefs and innate goodness, you'll naturally attract those who share them.


You've got a way with words, as well as smoldering glances, ready laughter, and more. All you have to do to get people to flock to you is get out and start enjoying yourself.


The more ideas you generate and the more information you collect in the realm of romance, the more amazing it will all get. Ask a million questions and listen carefully to all the answers.


The more people you talk to, the more fun you'll have, and the more new admirers you'll acquire. Go on and say hello. Practice on all types and ask them an off-the-wall question to get things rolling.


A certain matter of the heart that might have seemed simple reveals its many shades, layers, and complexities. Denial isn't going to get you anywhere. Start delving in so you can deal.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Take equal parts insightful reasoning and intelligent passion and what have you got? A beautifully balanced outlook that's perfect for a greater understanding of romance and how to proceed. You've got it now.


If you're peering at a certain romantic situation through rose-colored glasses. It's time for a reality check. A smart friend can help. Just be ready for their real-deal opinion.


If they can't take the heat, they have to get out of your kitchen. You're not mincing words now, and you're looking for someone who can keep up with you. Give 'em a few ingredients and see what they can do.


The little things are very telling now, so don't let them slip past you. Tune in to every word they're saying, and listen to your own reaction. Your gut feelings plus careful observation make you an emotional genius.


The more fun you're having, the more attractive you are. It's that sparkle in your eye, that glow, that makes them want to be having fun right by your side. Find an off-the-wall activity, a random event, anything different!


Different cultures practice unique courtship customs, but the power of love is still the same. Gather inspiration in your own dating life by seeing how love is celebrated throughout the world.


Your imagination and sense of humor make a winning combination now. Look for someone who shares your sensibility, and give them a little peek into your mind and your funny bone.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨