Your Daily Singles Horoscope for November 15, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You find lately that your infatuation for someone has cooled. Perhaps the waiting game put a damper on your devotion. Instead of worrying about why, move on to the next lucky person to attract your attention.


You know that you can be a wee bit eccentric. Some might think that's a little off-putting, but you're showing the world that you're not afraid to do it your way. The right person likes it!


Are you usually attracted to one type of person? If so, you might be pleasantly surprised when someone different comes your way and captures your imagination. Be as open-minded as you can. It could be there's a new type for you!


It's time to break out of your rut! Try a different place for lunch, a new hairstyle, or something even bolder: Ring up that person whose number you've been holding onto. You won't regret it!


You're a take-charge person, so waiting can be hard for you. For now, though, patience is vital. Use this time to focus on yourself. That way, you're healthy and strong when the balance swings back your way.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


You need to shake up your routine! Walk to work, get your coffee somewhere new, and keep an open mind. You benefit from the change of scene, and your social life improves thanks to all the interesting strangers you meet!


The search for love can seem like a game, so why not play some different kinds of games to branch out? That cute stranger on the train might have the crossword puzzle answer you need.


You don't follow the trends, you set them! No wonder your friends look to you for new ideas about the best date ideas. Another trend you should soon set is being seen in the company of a charming new companion!


Dreams are a gateway to your subconscious. If you're worried about money, family, or love, it will most likely surface as a series of symbols. Jot down anything you remember from your dreams to gain insight about what you could be suppressing.


If you you're not getting the results you know you deserve, try tweaking your approach. Start with a tiny change. Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference!


Do you have a friend or relative who seems supernaturally lucky in love? Don't be envious; be inspired! Watch what they do and even ask for advice. Pretty soon, people will start to think you're the lucky one!


When it comes to evaluating romantic prospects, you need to be realistic. Of course, it's fun to feel swept off your feet, but you also need someone who's there when your feet touch back down again.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.