Your Daily Singles Horoscope for May 16, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Pick a country you want to learn more about and dive in. Cook a signature dish and share it with someone special. Add some flirting in the native tongue.


Be cautious when it comes to romance. If you see a red flag, pay attention. You can't pinpoint it, but something isn't right. Honor that feeling. If it's worth pursuing, it can wait until you have more info.


Jump down from your high horse. You may be full of useful advice, but no one is in the mood to hear you preach about the way to relationship bliss. Partnerships aren't as simple as you perceive.


Torn between a friend and a flame? It's best to stay clear of any fights between the two. Let them work out their differences without you acting as mediator. They'll appreciate your candor.


Bothered by pettiness? Don't let someone's bad attitude ruin your fun. Some people can't help but hold grudges for the slightest offense. Learn from their mistakes. Forgive and forget.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Dare to be you! No more hiding behind a false persona you've created as a defense mechanism. In order to find true love, you must be true to yourself. Let the real you out.


Explore new ideas by watching some award-winning documentaries. Feed your brain with facts and research instead of the usual drivel. Chat with your crush to see where their opinions lie.


You may have to make a difficult relationship decision. Instead of taking everyone else's advice, try going with your instincts. You know enough about yourself to make a fair and good choice.


Don't agree to help a friend and then conveniently forget the arrangement. If you can't make time, explain why. Just don't expect much in return from friends you put at the bottom of your priority list.


How idealistic are your relationship goals? Your vision of the perfect couple might make for a better fairy tale than real life situation. Think of the best-case scenario instead of a fantasy.


Keeping troubled thoughts to yourself won't stop your pals from asking if something's wrong. Your body language reveals your feelings. Instead of denying it, confide in a friend. You'll be glad you did.


Your boss thinks they know best even when it comes to your love life. Listen to the suggestions, but make decisions based on your own instincts and theories.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙