Your Daily Singles Horoscope for May 07, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Rather than settle into one scene this evening, plan to skip around and do whatever suits your fancy. You're like a social shark. Keep moving and you'll do more than survive, you'll thrive.


A long talk with a friend about your love life might be a good idea, but making some sort of long-term plan or coming to a big conclusion is less so. Let it all evolve a bit more, and enjoy yourself while you're at it.


Chitchat, brainstorming, you're the master of communication now, and when it comes to witty repartee and flirting, forget about it. Unleash those one-liners and leave 'em thinking about you.


Wherever you go, that's where the party is, and whoever's in your entourage is thanking their lucky stars. If you've got a date, they're liable to see a wild side of you they might not have expected.


You're roaring like a lion and floating like a butterfly, a social butterfly, that is. With your rampant charisma and amped-up conversational, networking, and flirtation!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


Reread that flirtatious message before you send it. What you think is hilarious could leave a certain someone confused right now. Likewise, be ready to gracefully extract your foot from your mouth.


Two's more fun than one now, and you'll like doing something of substance more than indulging in mindless fluff. Take a date or friend to a lecture, reading, or offbeat event and enjoy discussing it afterward.


If you think there's something a little odd going on in the realm of romance right about now, chances are you're not imagining things. Look a bit longer and deeper to discern the real deal.


You want to talk about a big idea, but they're really into telling you about their new shoes. Maybe this isn't a match made in heaven. Move on as soon as it's politely possible.


There's a fine line between applying your smarts to the realm of romance and overthinking things. Your challenge right now is to walk that line.


For best romantic results now, connect, communicate, and keep it creative. The stars say possibilities are coming your way, including the possibility of a hot affair. Meet lots of people and let your individuality shine.


Somebody could be insisting on a concrete social roadmap for the evening, but your excellent instincts say there might be more random fun to be had. Be ready to convince them to take a detour.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!