Your Daily Singles Horoscope for May 05, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Be on the lookout for particularly controlling people. Sure, they appear nice on the first date, but if you really listen to their words, something's not quite right. Pick up on the nuances. If you spot an abuser, hit the road immediately.


You're in it for quality not quantity, and if the person you're dating can't control their drinking (or other substances), move on. Sure, you love to have fun, but when it crosses the line, things get ugly, and you don't want any part of that!


You're not gonna get anywhere being traditional. Dinner and a date? Blah! When it comes to attracting another person, go over the top. Go snowboarding. Take a drive to your favorite nearby town. Whatever it is, hook 'em with fun.


The devil's in the details, so when you make your date plans, take charge and stay in charge. It's up to you to inspire all the decisions, everything from the time to where you'll eat. It'll be a welcome change from all the milquetoasts out there.


Don't discount hygiene right now. Sure, you might think the other person doesn't notice, but they do. You'll never go wrong if you're always squeaky clean and on your game!

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Birkenstocks, hairy toes, and shorts don't make a good look. If you're rockin' the socks-and-sandals vibe, you might want to reconsider your fashion choices. Yes, what you wear does matter, especially now. Pull it together!


When it comes to money, don't talk about it too much. Just enjoy your date. Instead, chat about your ambitions, your goals, and your dreams. Don't hold back on the good stuff, just the green stuff.


Think homebody when it comes to dating right now. Do something about the crazy economy and keep your plans simple and inexpensive. How about a romantic movie night?


Tap into the flow of energy that controls your circadian rhythms. It definitely favors daytime activities right now. Instead of hooking up during the evening hours, try a breakfast or lunch date. It's a great idea if it's a first date. What better exit excuse?


Safety is your main concern right now. Everyone's potentially vulnerable to identity theft and larceny. Always carry your phone and never give out too much info. If it's a physical thing, hook up at a neutral location. It's much better than your apartment.


Get comfortable with saying no. Sure, you've been chatting with this person online, but you're not getting those warm vibes, and you'd rather not meet them after all. It's okay to be honest. A few conversations doesn't make you beholden to anyone.


A sticky situation will test your patience and composure today. Avoid an immediate reaction. Take a deep breath and sit back. Analyze the behavior of the players and act accordingly. Don't let emotional toxicity poison you.

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