Your Daily Singles Horoscope for March 08, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Nothing beats that lovin' feeling, but when it comes to minding your day-to-day business, put all those delicious emotions on ice. You have work to do and responsibilities to tend to. Get the serious stuff out of the way first. That way you'll have plenty of time for flirting and fun later.


You're seeing everything in the worst possible light today. It's just an emotional hangover from that tumultuous situation a few days ago. You'll get over it soon enough. Just be kind to yourself. Counter all negative thoughts with optimism, and you'll be on the mend in no time.


Someone could run over your foot today and you'd just wave it off as if nothing happened. That's where your head's at now. Though oblivion feels great, don't shirk reality. Check in from time to time during the day to make sure you don't miss anything.


Don't extend your overly trusting nature to just anyone. In fact, choose your listeners carefully. Certain people will come off as empathetic and caring, but they're really in it for the wrong reasons. They won't keep what you tell them in confidence. Rein it in.


As long as romance is off the table today, you have lots of energy and space for other endeavors. Now's a good time to organize your computer desktop, change all your passwords, and update any other changes that apply. A little housekeeping will put you at ease.

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Everyone's at each other's throat today, and you're the only person who can stop the bloodletting. Reason with simple intellect. No need to hop on your soapbox and deliver a stirring sermon. People will respond to you. Just use your instincts.


Watch your every move and word today. Even if you're trying to glide under the radar, someone is paying attention to you. Whatever you say may be held against you later, so leave the gaffes and snide remarks for another day.


It's not the big stuff that'll get you today. In fact, if someone told you the world was ending, you'd just shrug. But when your stapler or favorite pen goes missing, you freak! It's okay. This just means you're connected and present.


Compromise is your best bet today. When it comes to personal relationships, you feel like bailing out entirely or clinging for dear life, neither of which is healthy. Just don't expect the other person to agree to all your terms. It won't go down that way.


Congratulations if you feel totally overwhelmed in a certain relationship. You're right on track. It's a matter of time before you gain complete clarity on where this thing is going. And if it's not meant to be, you'll arrive at closure sooner rather than later.


A relationship gone awry forces you to reconsider some short-term goals, and it happens just when you thought everything was on the mend. Don't let this setback discourage you. The detour will actually serve as a blessing in disguise.


You wake up feeling as if anything is possible, and it is. Don't waste this awesome momentum. Maximize it! Write down everything you want to accomplish in your life, and set out on a course of action. Make it real by sharing your goals and passions with another person.

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