Your Daily Singles Horoscope for June 20, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Dating might be the last thing on your mind, but you could also be surprised to learn just how much your deeper mind is obsessing over love. Let yourself go out on a date by simply slowing down and saying yes at least once.


Your attention to detail is perfect for work but not so hot on a first date. Overly meticulous behavior at dinner makes you seem more high-maintenance than you really are, so skip interrogating the waiter about ingredients!


First dates aren't so grinding when they have a hidden purpose other than getting from one base to another! Try a benefit concert or head out to collect signatures for a worthy cause.


A broken heart takes time to heal, so offer sympathy and patience to that friend who needs someone. Head out for a fun night full of distractions, or let your friend whine (for a while).


Between work and home, you're running around like a crazy person. Don't worry too much if romance falls to the wayside. Tend to your responsibilities and by the time your life's back on track, that special someone will ask you to lunch.

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Your comments are likely to be considered critical instead of constructive. Try different ways to phrase your thoughts without attacking. Ask yourself how you would react before saying a word!


Try to keep the past out of the present. On the other hand, to avoid mistakes in the future, you need to remember the lessons you've learned. Your heart is sure to thank you for striking this balance.


Don't let your driving ambition to find the perfect mate keep normal people from wooing you. If that ideal lover has a supermodel physique and an Ivy League doctorate, you might be alone for a while!


Someone close shows their appreciation in an unusual fashion. Be as gracious as you can without making any advances in return. Weigh your feelings carefully before taking action.


High-energy days like this don't come along that often, so pack in as much fun as possible! Ask someone you like to come with you on a big adventure (or even a date) that's worthy of you both.


Your boss will pair you up with someone who raises the hair on your neck. Get to know this person before you make a final judgment. Between the two of you, creativity and leadership flow naturally. Give this one time to gel.


Dating isn't easy to master, but with practice you might end up a local expert. Learn from your mistakes (make sure you make some), and give advice to friends.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.