Your Daily Singles Horoscope for June 18, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


A friend tries to start a fight today. Watch your temper, but don't give in. Think about what's most important. When things have cooled down, talk with them. Someone takes notice of your calm.


A new person enters your life and affects you with a surprising intensity. You're falling into a crush, and it's lovely! Things eventually settle down, of course, but for now just enjoy the heady rush you feel inside.


Today is perfect for kicking back and taking things down a notch. Plan the perfect quiet night and just spend time relaxing at home. Get yummy takeout for dinner and catch up on your shows, then call up your BFFs.


It's time for you to do something great for yourself. Try a massage to melt your stress away. While you're still relaxed, head over to your favorite eatery. Invite that cutie checking you out to come over and share your booth.


Watch out for someone who seems to be hiding something. You want people who are straight up, not secretly plotting! When you finally spot the phony, say goodbye and send them packing. Congratulate yourself for being smart enough to see through them.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Someone close offers an opinion you weren't looking for. Instead of rejecting them, listen to what they say. They really are thinking of your best interests. You might find a grain of truth in there, and it might just improve your search.


Someone you've been watching from a distance has finally shaken off their last relationship! Now that they're back on the market, it's time to say hello. Let them know you're interested, then wait a bit for a response. They should tell you what's what before too long.


Look alive! Some major developments are coming! Maybe that crush finally figures out what they've been missing. Expect quite a few major changes, so sit back and watch things unfold for now.


Has someone suddenly become shy or awkward around you? This might be a sign that they've developed a crush on you! If you're interested, let them know.


Someone you like a lot seems detached today. Give them a little space to work through whatever they're going through. They should be back to normal soon and maybe ready to take things further with you!


Your feelings for an ex or an old crush still run deep, and you may be wondering what they're up to now. Give them a ring and ask them out for coffee. If the spark can be rekindled, you should both know.


You want more bold, decisive action in your life! If someone can't give you stability, they're probably not right for you. You need someone steady and strong.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞