Your Daily Singles Horoscope for June 14, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Brashness often becomes you, and you're not interested in those who think you're too much anyway. But now's a time to hold back just a little bit and use some subtle charm.


Break out of your routine, even in ways that might not seem too radical to someone else. Say hello to everyone you see or ask someone unlikely to lunch. Open your heart and see what falls in.


Your trademark quickness and charm make you irresistible, but those same qualities mean you easily lose interest in your new prospects. Be gentle with them as you send them on out.


Issues around home and family might be distracting you from where you'd like your attention to be, on a new crush, perhaps? But those issues have an important lesson for you.


Great communication plus a high chance of romance equals a very promising day. How will you make the most of the equation? With your usual creativity and liveliness, which are increased exponentially now.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You've got a stellar opportunity for a deep and meaningful investigation into the love arena. Consider consulting a respected friend. The conversation can give you new insight into your values and your path.


Your sincerity paired with your natural charm captures extra attention now, and witty repartee flows fabulously from your lips. Put yourself in a social situation and watch it heat up.


Don't be disappointed if your natural magnetism's turned down a little now. You need some time to think, undistracted by the attentions of others. Cultivate awareness of your own heart.


Making someone laugh can be the quickest way to their heart, and you're extra funny now. Deploy your favorite joke at an opportune moment or just point out the hilariousness of the world.


You could be focused on work to the exclusion of much in the romance department. Put your powers of concentration where they need to be and let love take care of itself for a bit.


If you've got the urge to nest, shake it off and get out in the world for a while. Some intellectual stimulation rather than the television is in order, and your love life stands to gain as well.


An issue that's coming up in the romantic realm may be a little painful, but it carries with it the possibility of vast improvement. Work your way through the emotions and know that things will be better on the other side.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.