Your Daily Singles Horoscope for January 19, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Guess what? You're coasting romantically. It's time to tighten up that online profile and get out there. Explore new possibilities. Don't limit yourself to your usual circumference. See what's beyond the limits of comfort.


If someone rubs you the wrong way today, take a good look at yourself. It's triggering something in you. Do a little soul searching and come up with an answer. Besides, you'll foster a little more understanding and patience for others.


You've agreed to take on a particularly boring project -- one you'd never consider under any circumstances. But you're yearning for the strokes or attention of that cutie. If that's your only reason, get out now. You'll find other opportunities for self-fulfillment.


You're feeling great about putting some emotional baggage to rest. Now that you've unloaded the weight, it's time to move forward. Ready for a move? Maybe. A new job? Perhaps. Romance? Definitely!


If life seems a bit dull right now, it's a perfect time to spice things up. When the last time you invited a good friend to the movies? What about new music? Explore the Internet for the hottest up-and-coming bands. You'll find tons of fun right under your fingertips.

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Don't let surface inconsistencies ruin a perfectly good match up. So what if you like The Clash and they adore Tchaikovsky? It'll work. In fact, it's perfect. What a great way to bring your level of connection to an exciting, new dimension.


Set up a separate online profile that lets your alter ego speak. Don't hold back -- be funny, be hilarious, be totally off the wall. You'll attract some interesting responses. Go for it -- you'll be pleasantly surprised.


Overwrought messages could work against you today. Keep the conversation light and funny -- if you come across too seriously, you might send this person running toward the door. Process the nuances before you get too deep.


Although they say opposites attract, romance is about similarity for you. You've enjoyed the foundation born of common interests in past relationships, but today step out of that comfort zone. Go for someone wild and exotic.


That office cutie said 'no' to a date, but all's not lost. You have a secret weapon in your arsenal: charm. Play it up today, and throw in a little aloofness for good measure. Don't worry; they'll notice and reconsider their answer.


Collect as much information as possible before pursuing a certain someone. Scraps of data aren't enough to complete the picture, and in this case, thoroughness counts. A lack of knowledge could create a love disaster.


When you go out tonight, tread carefully. If it doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to call it quits early. No use trying to force something that isn't working. Instead, rest up because tomorrow evening's festivities could be huge.

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