Your Daily Singles Horoscope for January 17, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Something deep in your psyche has shifted, and you're ready to experience a higher level of emotional intimacy with a love interest. Don't let the intensity scare you off.


Did you write your dating profile on an off day? It doesn't reflect your extraordinary personality. You're in the perfect frame of mind to portray your true self. Get online and revise, and watch the responses increase.


As the mind demands one thing, the heart revolts with another. And you're caught in the middle. Force your emotions into submission so you can think rationally. You'll find the answer.


You're all about romantic instinct today. Never mind what your friends say. Your interpretation of body language and nonverbal cues is keen right now. Listen to your heart and ignore the chorus in your brain.


Be on your best behavior today. Someone's watching and waiting for the opportunity to approach you. When it happens, play it cool. This could be an interesting connection. Keep an open mind.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


Keep one eye on the clock today. Expect an interesting message to find its way to you, but be aware of the time also. You don't want to miss a night out on the town!


Keep a little distance from that certain someone you're interested in. Something's definitely brewing, but this one needs time to ferment. Let it sweeten before tasting the goods.


Your boss could pair you with someone who raises your hackles. Get to know this person before you judge. Creativity and leadership flow naturally between the two of you. Give this one time to gel.


You're on a hot streak right now. Someone who's been watching you from afar wants to get closer, but they're intimidated. Put everyone around you at ease. Laugh a little more.


You can either play it safe or step out of your comfort zone today. If you opt for safe, don't expect much adventure. Take the daredevil approach and you could meet some very interesting people, possibly unattached.


Consider this romantic situation you're entering. Is it too easy? Do you feel desperate? If so, think about stepping back. Avoid mistakes early to prevent disaster later. When one door closes, another opens.


Now's a great time to take that relationship out of cyberspace and into reality. Arrange a meeting with your favorite online buddy. Keep your expectations in check. If the sparks don't fly, it's all right.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨