Your Daily Singles Horoscope for January 16, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


A daytime date looks especially great. If a romantic prospect isn't available, take a friend and introduce yourself to people along the way.


Outdoor activities and exercise are favored during the day. They'll put a glow in your cheeks that'll come in handy tonight when your own flirtatious ways might have you blushing too!


Sure, your friends know you're shopping around in the love department, but what about that acquaintance? They've got access to a whole new side of the social network. Let them work for you!


Take it slowly in the love department during the day. Explore all the angles and reread any messages before you hit Send. Tonight, though, the stars say go on and be bold!


You might want things your way, but the fact is you'll have a good time doing just about anything now. Something that's not your usual speed might be especially great. Try following instead of leading.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


During the day, you're more likely to get into a tangle than an embrace. You're all riled up about something, so work it out somehow. By tonight, the stars are sending sweet compatibility your way.


Each and every interaction you have now deserves your undivided attention. Smile, make eye contact, ask a genuine question, make a little joke. Everybody's world is suddenly brighter and love is in the air!


If you want action, now is the time to make it happen! Do something to feel fit and balanced during the day, grab a nap, and go where the excitement is, which, if the stars have their say, is wherever you are!


Think big and bold, fun and fast during the day. The more you do and see, and the more new people you talk to along the way, the happier you'll be. By tonight, zeroing in on details works wonders.


Checking in with family and checking things off on your to-do list during the day will make you feel more grounded. Tonight, the stars favor some fun and even rather romantic stuff!


The day holds more exciting energy than the night, so make the most of it with all your might! Bring your best sense of adventure!


If things or people aren't quite what they seem, your instincts are right, especially later in the day. And you also have a very helpful way with words, finding the right questions and knowing just what to say.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!