Your Daily Singles Horoscope for January 12, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


A shift in perspective has you seeing things in a new light. Are you ready for a new job, home, move? Check your motives before you move forward. If you're making a big change, do it for the right reasons.


Are you clinging to old emotional baggage? If so, it's holding you back. The stars say it's out with the old, in with the new. Check out the dating apps. You'll find the inspiration you need to shake off this albatross.


Play it cool today even if you're going nuts inside. Don't let on for a minute you're crazy about this person. Clinginess turns them off. Allow things to play out naturally. They'll come around. Then watch the sparks fly.


Capitalize on this instinct you're experiencing. It's a great time to get into the head of someone intriguing. Use your wit and wisdom, but don't manipulate. This person is a lot more perceptive than you realize.


When you talk to this person, keep it light. No need for sob stories or gruesome details. This relationship's about fun. Heavy conversation will turn them off, and a few giggles will do you good.

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As you ramp up that romantic roaming, think about the good you can do others. Give altruism and Cupid equal time right now. The Universe will look kindly on your generosity, so volunteer your time.


Loosen your expectations a little today and practice acceptance. Rethink your "type" and experiment. Who knows? You may have more in common with your polar opposite than you think.


That jerk is ruining your gig. You're dying to talk to that office cutie, but they're hogging the territory. Use your guile to lure them away from the target. Once you've derailed their efforts, move in.


New energy coming into your life could change the romantic landscape of your day. Give a potentially amorous situation time to bloom. Don't stifle it with too much talk. The results will surprise you.


Your mind's all over the place today, and you'll struggle to pine yourself down. The best approach is to take it in stride. Go with your erratic emotions or find a way to center. You can't have it both ways.


Your head's in the clouds today. You're totally exuberant, and that's great. But don't drift too high. Someone close needs your attention. When they ask for your help, tone it down a little and really listen.


If someone asks you out and you're not into it, give them a solid answer. Don't be afraid to say no. This is a great time to let people know where they stand with you. The clarity of your boundaries will give you confidence.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!