Your Daily Singles Horoscope for February 22, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Romance can seem so serious sometimes, all the more reason to forget about it and have some silly fun! Take a young relative to a children's museum or your local playground. It'll do wonders for your spirits.


Nothing squelches romance faster than a petty argument. So if you're tempted to debate sports or politics with your crush or fight with pals over the movie you want to see, take a deep breath and just smile.


Get creative! If the same old online dating or going out with friends isn't working, try something entirely new. Is your next sweetie waiting for you at a local hiking club or volunteer project?


Try to look beyond the moment. If you wear that shirt now, will you be sorry it's at the dry cleaners for your next big date? If you flirt with a co-worker, could it create drama down the line? Consider the future.


You're no quitter! If your online profile isn't yielding the results you hoped for, modify it. If you're not meeting interesting people at your usual places, find new ones. Just don't give up on your goals.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Stay open to changes in your schedule. They just might end up better than your original plans. If a pal suggests skipping checking out a new skating rink or art gallery, roll with it!


Sitting around at a cafe is just going to bore you. Instead, meet your pals at a salsa club, or suggest to your latest love interest a date at a bowling alley. Keep things active.


Don't let pride stand in the way of your happiness. Are you not messaging last night's date because you don't want to be the first one to reach out? It won't matter once you're planning your next outing!


You deserve an upgrade today. If you were going to catch up with your pals over lunch, splurge on dinner. If you were going to treat yourself to a new top for your upcoming date, throw in a pair of new shoes.


Put your effort toward long-term goals now. You're less concerned with who you'll have fun with today than who you'll want to spend your time with for months or years, to come. Consider the future.


There's no better time for a romantic experiment or two! Not sure how you feel about blind dates? Can't decide if you prefer coffee or a hike for a first date? There's only one way to find out. Give new things a try.


Do what it takes to feel great in your own skin. Start trying healthy, all-natural recipes. Or skip the shopping for a while and splurge on sessions with a personal trainer. Invest in looking and feeling great.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙