Your Daily Singles Horoscope for February 19, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


If love makes the world go 'round, you're at the very hub of that wheel. Keep it spinning wildly by acting on impulse, creating a hubbub, or carrying out a daring feat in the realm of romance.


If you're involved in a power struggle about some matter of the heart, consider ceasing the grappling. Even if you're just struggling with yourself, it's time to form alliances rather than exhaust your heart.


Don't take it as an insult if someone calls you opinionated. Quite the contrary: they may be flirting with you. A little verbal sparring can be so much hotter than bland old agreement.


You're building up to something outrageously great, and you certainly deserve it. Don't settle now, and no backtracking. Think forward motion, and demand bigger and better for your heart.


You're wearing the pants in your relationship with the world, and they look extremely good on you. Feel your power.

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Now's not the time to be set in your ways, especially not in the ever-changing realm of romance. Flexibility and openness are the principles to pursue while all the newness sorts itself out.


You've got the big love picture, the one everybody wants to get a peek at. Perhaps it's time for a little show-and-tell with a few carefully selected viewers. Then you can review their reactions.


An internal struggle about some matter of the heart could be causing you stress, but it's important you don't let it influence other areas of your life. Relieve the pressure with a walk.


Apply your sense of humor liberally to the realm of romance. If you're willing to laugh at yourself (and you know you are), some other funny, charming person might just get on board.


If love's a bed of roses, some days are bound to be thorny. Be tender with yourself, and be sweet to your own heart. You'll set a good example for someone else to do the same.


Sometimes you get strange notions so firmly in your head, they're nearly impossible to dislodge. Prepare to relinquish one about love. Someone's about to knock it right out of you.


If you've been putting a lot of energy into romantic matters, consider a new conservation policy, at least for now. Spend some thought and care on yourself. You deserve it.

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