Your Daily Singles Horoscope for February 12, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Your straightforward compliment (or outright proposal) is about a billion times sexier than other people's eyelash batting and beating around the bush. Say what you mean for terrific results now.


You? Acting on an impulse? The stars are sending some unusual energy your way, energy that might prompt you to do something unexpected or even off-the-wall in the realm of romance.


Communication's key now, whether you're getting on the same wavelength as a romantic prospect or touching base with some favorite friends. You're great at connecting this way, so sort it out.


The reaction you're having now may seem all-encompassing, entirely rational, and absolutely correct, but it could be just the beginning of a much larger thoughts-and-feelings process. Get a reality check from a friend.


Oh, the luxury of being able to change your mind, adopt new opinions, try out different points of view. As a singleton, you're especially at liberty to do all of this, and right now you should be loving it.

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Talking to a friend about romantic matters right now could lead to a bit of an issue. Even if you've got an established personal relationship, keep it all on the up-and-up for the moment.


Your natural diplomacy comes in handy now when you're faced with a potentially awkward situation. Finesse it as only you know how and you'll come out of it smelling like the proverbial rose.


Romance may be on the back burner at the moment. The stars say it's more important to handle the day-to-day tasks and take extra good care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and you'll be ready when you're back in action.


When it comes to the realm of romance, if you're not having fun, you're not doing it right. Set the expectations to the side, flirt randomly, laugh long and loud, and you're on the right track.


Sticking to your regular tasks and working hard gives you a needed sense of security and accomplishment. Others may say "all work and no play...," but you know "all things in good time," including romance.


You've got the kind of electric energy that some find shocking, yet they still can't stay away. People want to connect with you now, and the way you're charged up it's no mystery why.


Things and people aren't precisely what they seem at the moment, but this isn't necessarily a negative thing. There are more possibilities than you know and hidden qualities and aspects galore.

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