Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 30, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You've got a talent for asking intriguing questions, handing out creative compliments, and delivering hilarious quips. It's just what you need for flirty interactions whether online or in real time.


It's best to surround yourself with folks you already know and love today. It feels cozy and comfy. If you're eager for romance, plan to head out sometime over the next few days.


You're the best when it comes to lighthearted banter, and right now you've got extra mojo whether you're chatting online cutie or engaging in real life. Work it, hot stuff!


You're dreaming, hoping, and wishing for changes and a little forward motion, but there's a reason you're keeping it in the hypothetical realm. Wait to take action until things become more clear.


On a day like today, everything suddenly seems to make sense, fall right into place, and feel clear and true. Open up both your heart and your mind. You never know what can happen, who you could meet, or how you will feel.

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When was the last time you worked on Cupid's behalf? Find a few new ways to help others along with their own romantic business and the good you do will come right back your way.


You need to expand your mind as well as your heart. Take the long-term view, check out the big picture and make sure you don't get too hung up on one idea. You've got plenty of positive energy now, so just let it flow.


What seems like an obvious joke or ironic gesture right now might not come across the way you'd expect. When it comes to your love life, you should think about toning it down a bit.


Someone quite distant figures prominently when it comes to your love life today. Maybe an old friend or family member has important advice for you, so make sure you're available, and be as proactive as you can.


It's a good thing you know your limits because they're being pushed hard right now. Remember when to say when, particularly when it comes to your love life. Your intuition is right this time.


How's your learning curve? Do you feel ready for a romantic download that can make a big part of your latest puzzle suddenly, refreshingly clear? If you are, get ready for an education!


There's a time for bold gestures, being free with your feelings, and taking a stand, and then there's a time to wait patiently and figure things out completely. For now, you need to slow down and work it all out.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.